7.2 The Random Rank Protocol 77
7.2.1 (s-delay sequence). An s-delay sequence consists of
s not necessarily different delay links el,..., es;
s + 1 delay packets Pl,-.-,P,+I such that the path of Pi traverses ei and
ei-1 in that order for all i E {2,...,s}, the path of ps+l contains e,, and
the path of PI contains el;
s integers gl,...,g, > 0 such that gl is the number of links on the path
of pl from el (inclusive) to its destination, for all i E {2,..., s} gi is the
number of links on the path of Pi from e~ (inclusive) to ei-1 (exclusive),
and Y]~is=l gi <_ D; and
s + 1 integers rl,...,rs+l with 0 < rs+l <_ ... < rl < K.
A delay sequence is called active if for all i E {1,..., s+l} we have rank(pi) =
Our observations above yield the following lemma.
Lemma 7.2.1. Any choice of the ranks that yields a routin 9 time of T >_
D + s steps implies an active s-delay sequence.
Proof. Suppose the random rank protocol needs T >_ D + s steps. Thert we
get for ~=1 g~ -< D that T _> ~=1 gi + s and therefore T - ~i~1 g, - s _> 0.
Hence we can construct an active delay sequence of length s such that packet
s g
Pe+l leaves the buffer of es at time step T - Y]~i=l ( i + 1) + 1 > 1. From this
the lemma follows. [3
Lemma 7.2.2. The number of different s-delay sequences is at most
s ks+l]
Proof. There are at most (D+s) possibilities to choose the el such that
Y]is_-i gi _< D. Furthermore, there are n packets from which Pl can be chosen.
Since Pl and gl determine the link el and the congestion at el is at most
C, there are at most C possibilities to choose packet P2. The same holds for
the packets P3,.-. ,Ps+l at the edges e2,..., es. Hence we altogether have at
most (D+s]. n. C s possibilities to choose the delay packets. Finally, there are
at most ~/s+K~s+l J ways to select the ri such that 0 _< rs+l _< ... _< rl < K. [:3
Note that during the execution of the random rank protocol the packets
have a unique ordering w.r.t, their priority levels. (If two or more packets have
the same rank, then the id's of the packets are compared.) Hence the packets
in an s-delay sequence must be different. Since the packets choose their ranks
independently at random, the probability that an s-delay sequence is active
is 1/K s+l. Thus