Borodin, A.P., 141
Bridge, Battle of the, 50
Bu‘ath (Bu‘ath), 25
Buddhism, 18
Buir-Nor, 175
Bukhara (Bukhara), 68f, 119, 142,
143, 144, 177
Bulgar(ian)s, 91, 114
Bulghars (Bulghars), 143, 171
Burak (Bura?), 48n
Burgundy, 91
Busir (Bu?ir), 102
Buwayh (Buyeh), 134
Buyids (Buyids), 100, 106, 107,
133ff, 136, 146, 151, 174, 184
Buzurgmihr, 117
Byzantium/Byzantine Empire, 9,
13, 42f, 69f, 85, 90f, 93, 114,
134, 136, 147f, 165ff, 170,
179, 201
Caesarea, 49, 52
Cairo, 52, 106, 134, 138, 164
caliphs/caliphate, 34, 41, 45, 63,
65, 67ff, 73, 77, 103, 117, 147,
183f, 203
camel, 4f, 84
Camel, Battle of the, 64f, 70
Canal, Nile-Red Sea, 7
Candace, Queen, eunuch of, 11
Canton, 122, 189
Carlowitz, Peace of, 202
Carolingians, 92, 103, 110, 116
Carthage, 83, 85f
Ceuta, 87, 134
Ceylon, 13, 122
Chaghri-Beg, 145
Chalcedon, Council of, 12, 51
Chaldaeans, 6
Charlemagne, 92, 115, 116
Charles Martel, 92
China/Chinese, 8, 60, 88, 89, 93,
122, 177, 180, 189
Chingiz Khan, 175ff
Christianity: in Africa, 83f;
divisions in East, 43;
introduction in Arabia, 11; and
Islam, 19, 81, 110, 154ff, 167;
spread of, 9
Christological controversies, 12,
Cilicia, 136
Clermont, Council of, 158
Clovis, 145
coinage, 81
Conrad III, Emperor, 162
Constans, 52, 69
Constantine the Great, 9, 12
Constantine III, 52
Constantius, 12
Constantinople, see Byzantium
Constantinople, Council of, 19
conversion, attitude to, 81
Copts, 43, 51, 52, 53, 60
Cordova, 132
Covadonga, 92
Crete, 116, 133, 136, 201
Cross, Holy, 33, 43
Crusades, 35, 141, 152, 158ff,
178; First, 149, 158; Second,
162, 166; Third, 165
Ctesiphon, 42, 43, 50f, 103, 117,
culture, Islamic, causes of decay,
Cyprian, St, 83
Cyprus, 60, 166, 179, 201
Cyrus, Patriarch, 51, 52
Cyzicus, 69
Dahhak (?a??ak), 99
Dahhak b.Kais (?a??ak b.?ais), 72
Daibul, 89
Dailam, 100, 107, 112, 134
Dair al-Jathalik (Dair al-Jathali?),
da‘is (da‘is), 128, 129
Dalmatia, 178
Damascus, 11, 22, 45f, 62, 64,
67f, 72, 80, 90, 95, 99, 102,
129f, 134, 136, 150, 159,
162f, 182