(he says) admitted that no certainty about God could be attained
by the reason: why then waste our time on such futile inquiries?
Truth is to be sought only in divine revelation. The profane sciences,
which had always operated on the fringe and had never been free
from the suspicion of impiety, were largely and quietly dropped
as ‘un-Muslim.’
From the enormous literature on this subject it is possible to cite
only a few titles.
ARBERRY, A.J., Reason and Revelation in Islam, London, 1957. Short
but useful summary of the ‘science versus religion’ issue in Islam.
BOER, T.J. DE, A History of Philosophy in Islam, Eng. tr. London,
1903. Standard work.
BROWNE, E.G., A Literary History of Persia, 4 vols. Cambridge, 1906–
28. A classic.
BRUNSCHVIG & VON GRUNEBAUM (ed.), Classicisme et déclin
culturel dans l’histoire de l’Islam, Paris, 1957. Valuable symposium
by a number of leading European Arabists. A serious attempt to
explain why Arabic civilization decayed after so brilliant a beginning.
ELGOOD, C., A Medical History of Persia, Cambridge, 1951. A full
and detailed account of the achievement of Arabic medicine.
GIBB, H.A. R., Arabic Literature, Oxford, 1926; 2nd. ed. 1963. The
best short introduction.
GIBB, H.A.R., Studies in the Civilization of Islam, London, 1962. A
selection from the work of the distinguished British Arabist.
GRUNEBAUM, G.VON, Medieval Islam, Chicago, 1946; 2nd. ed.
GRUNEBAUM, G.VON, Islam, Essays in the Nature and Growth of a
Cultural Tradition, Wisconsin, 1955. Stimulating discussion of many
aspects of Arabic civilization.
KREMER, A.VON, Culturgeschichliche Streifzuge auf dem Gebiete des
Islams, Vienna, 1873; Eng. tr. Khuda Bukhsh, Contributions to the
History of Islamic Civilization, Calcutta, 1905. A pioneer work,
not yet really anti-quated.
Legacy of Islam, The, Oxford, 1931. A collection of essays by different
LEVY, R., The Sociology of Islam, Cambridge, 1957. Encyclopedic in
its treatment.
MACDONALD, D.B., The Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence