U90 Ladder Tutorial
Displays: Entering Parameters
Once an operator’s password is approved, the operator sets system parameters using the
M90 keypad. In this section, you create a series of Displays. These displays lead the
machine operators through the process of:
• Setting the number of boxes per bundle. The maximum number of boxes per bundle is 99.
• Setting a start time and an end time for system maintenance, during which the bundling
machine cannot run.
Display 4: Set Box Quantity
Display 1 contains:
Fixed text.
• A
Keypad-Entry Variable.
Editing Display 4
1. Open the HMI editor; then open Display 4 by clicking it in the Project Navigation tree.
2. Name it
Set Box Quantity, by typing the name in the title bar, then pressing Enter. The title
appears in the Project Navigation tree as shown in Figure 67.
Figure 67. Naming a Display
3. Enter the fixed text Set Box Q’ty. in the green Display field as shown below.
Figure 68. Creating a Text Message
To allow the operator to set the number of boxes per bundle, you link a Variable to the
Display. The Variable will contain a number entered from the M90 keypad. Since the
maximum number of boxes per bundle is 99, create a field that can hold two digits.
Creating a Field
1. Click your cursor in the display. This is the starting point of the field.