The Bastille
The Viaduc des Arts
The arches of the Promenade
Plantée’s viaduct itself have had
their red brickwork scrubbed
clean and have been converted
into attractive spaces for artisans’
studios and craft shops,
collectively known as the Viaduc
des Arts.The workshops house a
wealth of creativity: furniture
and tapestry restorers, interior
designers, cabinet-makers,
violin- and flute-makers,
embroiderers and fashion and
jewellery designers; a full list and
map is available from no. 23
avenue Daumesnil.
The Bois de Vincennes
Daily dawn till dusk; follow signs from
avenue Daumesnil (see p.164 and
Paris map inside front cover) or take
Métro line 1 to its terminus at Château
de Vincennes. The Bois de
Vincennes is one of the largest
green spaces that the city has to
offer. Sights are quite a long way
from each other, so to avoid a
lot of footslogging, target one or
two or rent a bicycle from the
outlet on Esplanade St-Louis
(weekends & hols; E3 an hour)
just south of Château de
The place to head for if you’ve
only got a limited amount of
time is the Parc Floral (daily:
summer 9.30am–8pm, winter
9.30am–dusk. E1.50;
Paris’s best garden, a short walk
southeast from the Château de
Vincennes. Flowers are always in
bloom in the Jardin des Quatre
Saisons; you can picnic beneath
pines, then wander through
concentrations of camellias,
rhododendrons, cacti, ferns, irises
and bonsai trees. Between April
and September, there are art and
horticultural exhibitions in
several pavilions, free jazz and
classical music concerts, and
numerous activities for children,
including a mini-golf of Parisian
If you just feel like a lazy day
out in the park, you could go
boating on the Lac
Daumesnil, near the Porte
Dorée entrance and Métro
station (line 8). In the southeast
corner, off route de la
Pyramide, you can wander
among 2000 trees of over 800
different species that have been
cultivated in the Arboretum
(Mon–Fri 9.30am–6.30pm;
free). Just north of the Lac
Daumesnil, at 53 avenue de St-
Maurice, is the city’s largest
zoo (April–Sept Mon–Sat
9am–6pm, Sun 9am–6.30pm;
Oct–March closes one hour
earlier. E8, children E5), one
of the first to replace cages
with trenches and use
landscaping to give the animals
room to exercise.The animals
are at their most animated
during the feeding times
scheduled throughout the
Château de Vincennes
Daily 10am–noon & 1.15–6pm. 75min
guided tours at 11am, 2.15pm, 3pm &
4.45pm; 45min tours at 10.15am,
11.45am, 1.30pm & 4.15pm. E6.10
75min tour, E4.60 45min. On the
northern edge of the bois, the
Château de Vincennes –
erstwhile royal medieval
residence, then state prison,
porcelain factory, weapons
dump and military training
school – is still undergoing
restoration work started by
Napoleon III.The fourteenth-
century keep is closed but tours
stop at another highlight – the
Flamboyant-Gothic Chapelle
Royale, completed in the mid-
sixteenth century and decorated
with superb Renaissance
stained-glass windows.