taking nor the distances that must be traversed by the
scalpel of investigation and research. In about seventy days
from now, twenty years will have elapsed since the call of
battle sounded its bugle note among the homes and hearts
of Hillsboro, Ohio. We have all been refreshing our knowl-
edge of those days by reading the “Crusade Sketches” of its
heroic leader, Mrs. Eliza J. Thompson, “the mother of us
all,” and we know that but one thought, sentiment and
purpose animated those saintly “Praying Bands” whose
name will never die out from human history. “Brothers, we
beg you not to drink and not to sell!” This was the one wail-
ing note of these moral Paganinis, playing on one string. It
caught the universal ear and set the key of that mighty
orchestra, organised with so much toil and hardship, in
which the tender and exalted strain of the Crusade violin
still soars aloft, but upborne now by the clanging cornets of
science, the deep trombones of legislation, and the thun-
derous drums of politics and parties. The “Do Everything
Policy” was not of our choosing, but is an evolution as
inevitable as any traced by the naturalist or described by
the historian. Woman’s genius for details, and her patient
steadfastness in following the enemies of those she loves
“through every lane of life,” have led her to antagonise the
alcohol habit and the liquor traffic just where they are,
wherever that may be. If she does this, since they are
everywhere, her policy will be “Do Everything.”
A one-sided movement makes one-sided advocates.
Virtues, like hounds, hunt in packs. Total abstinence is not
the crucial virtue in life that excuses financial crookedness,
defamation of character, or habits of impurity. The fact that
one’s father was, and one’s self is, a bright and shining light
in the total abstinence galaxy, does not give one a vantage
ground for high-handed behaviour toward those who have
not been trained to the special virtue that forms the central
idea of the Temperance Movement. We have known per-
sons who, because they had “never touched a drop of
liquor,” set themselves up as if they belonged to a royal line,
but whose tongues were as biting as alcohol itself, and
whose narrowness had no competitor save a straight line.
An all-round movement can only be carried forward by all-
round advocates; a scientific age requires the study of every
subject in its correlations. It was once supposed that light,
heat, and electricity were wholly separate entities; it is now
believed and practically proved that they are but different
modes of motion. Standing in the valley we look up and
think we see an isolated mountain; climbing to its top we
see that it is but one member of a range of mountains many
of them of well-nigh equal altitude.
Some bright women who have opposed the “Do-
Everything Policy” used as their favourite illustration a
flowing river, and expatiated on the ruin that would follow
if that river (which represents their do-one-thing policy)
were diverted into many channels, but it should be
remembered that the most useful of all rivers is the Nile,
and that the agricultural economy of Egypt consists in the
effort to spread its waters upon as many fields as possible.
It is not for the river’s sake that it flows through the coun-
try but for the sake of the fertility it can bring upon adjoin-
ing fields, and this is pre-eminently true of the
Temperance Reform.
Joseph Cook, that devoted friend of every good cause
has wisely said: “If England were at war with Russia, and
the latter were to have several allies, it would obviously be
necessary for England to attack the allies as well as the
principal enemy. Not to do this would be foolishness, and
might be suicide. In the conflict with the liquor traffic, the
policy of the W.C.T.U. is to attack not only the chief foe,
but also its notorious and open allies. This is the course
dictated not only by common sense, but by absolute neces-
sity. If the home is to be protected, not only must the
dram-shop be made an outlaw, but its allies, the gambling
hells, the houses of unreportable infamy, the ignorance of
the general population as to alcoholics and other narcotics,
the timidity of trade, the venality of portions of the press,
and especially the subserviency of political parties to the
liquor traffic, must be assailed as confederates of the chief
enemy of the home. . . . It is certain that the broad and pro-
gressive policy of the W.C.T.U. in the United States makes
the whiskey rings and time-serving politicians greatly
dread its influence. They honour the Union by frequent
and bitter attacks. It is a recognised power in international
affairs. If its policy were made narrow and non-partisan, its
influence would immensely wane in practical matters of
great importance.
“The department of Scientific Temperance Instruc-
tion, conducted by the W.C.T.U., and led by Mrs. Mary
H. Hunt, of Boston, has now made such instruction man-
datory in thirty-six States of the Republic. This is a very
large and substantial triumph of the broad and progressive
policy. Instead of the National W.C.T.U. having lost the
confidence of the churches by its broad policy, I believe,
after much travel and years of observation, that it never
had more of that confidence than at the present hour. At a
recent Congressional Hearing, in Washington, I heard a
distinguished Presbyterian Professor of Theology, Rev.
Dr. Herrick Johnson, of Chicago, call the W.C.T.U. the
most powerful, the most beneficent, and the most success-
ful organization ever formed by women. Similar testimony
abounds in all the most enlightened circles of the land.”
Let us not be disconcerted, but stand bravely by that
blessed trinity of movements, Prohibition, Woman’s Liber-
ation and Labour’s uplift.
Everything is not in the Temperance Reform, but the
Temperance Reform should be in everything.
There is no better motto for the “Do-Everything-
Policy,” than this which we are saying by our deeds: “Make
1034 ERA 6: The Development of the Industrial United States