Social Security Act, 1935 1378
Revenue Act, 1935 1383
Neutrality Act of 1937 1386
Franklin Roosevelt, Court-Packing Bill,
Fireside Chat, 1937 1390
Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, 1937 1393
Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938 1397
Between the Wars 1398
Stimson Doctrine, 1931 1398
Recognition of the Soviet Union, 1933 1400
World War II at Home and Abroad 1401
Cantwell v. Connecticut, 1940 1401
Franklin Roosevelt, Address at University
of Virginia, 1940 1404
Alien Registration Act (Smith Act), 1940 1407
Ogdensburg Declaration, 1940 1411
Destroyers-for-Bases Agreement, 1940 1411
Franklin Roosevelt, Radio Address on
Selective Service Registration Day,
1940 1412
Franklin Roosevelt, “Four Freedoms,” 1941 1413
Franklin Roosevelt, Executive Order 8802,
1941 1417
Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill,
Atlantic Charter, 1941 1418
Franklin Roosevelt, “Day of Infamy”
Speech, 1941 1419
Franklin Roosevelt, Executive Order 9066:
The Japanese Relocation Act, 1942 1420
Ex Parte Quirin, 1942 1421
West Virginia State Board of Education v.
Barnette (319 U.S. 624), 1943 1425
Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act, 1943 1431
Teheran Conference Communiqué, 1943 1432
Smith v. Allwright, 1944 1432
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, If D Day
Fails, 1944 1435
GI Bill of Rights, 1944 1436
Korematsu v. United States, 1944 1441
Franklin Roosevelt, Campaign Speech to
the Teamsters Union, 1944 1446
Report of Decorations Board,
1st Lt. Annie G. Fox, 1944 1450
Yalta Agreement, 1945 1451
Act of Chapultepec, 1945 1453
Germany’s Surrender in World War II, 1945 1456
Harry S. Truman, Announcement of the
Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima, 1945 1456
London Agreement and Charter of the
International Military Tribunal, 1945 1458
Japan’s Unconditional Surrender, 1945 1461
United Nations Charter, 1945 1461
Suggested Reading 1468
(1946–1970s) 1470
Economic Boom and Social Transformation 1471
AFL-CIO Constitution, 1955 1471
Landrum-Griffin Act, 1959 1473
Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Military-Industrial
Complex” Speech, 1961 1476
John F. Kennedy, Moon Landing Speech, 1961 1479
National Foundation on the Arts and the
Humanities Act, 1965 1482
Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1970 1483
Cold War: U.S. International Relations 1489
Control of Atomic Energy, 1946 1489
Truman Doctrine, 1947 1490
Marshall Plan, 1947 1493
National Security Act, 1947 1495
President Truman’s Recognition of the State
of Israel, White House Press Releases,
5/14/48 and 1/31/49 1504
George Marshall, Note on Berlin Blockade
and Airlift, 1948 1504
North Atlantic Treaty, 1949 1506
President Truman’s Statement on the
Korean War, 1950 1508
Eisenhower Doctrine, 1957 1509
Proclamation 3504: Interdiction of the
Delivery of Offensive Weapons to
Cuba, 1962 1513
Lyndon Johnson, Tonkin Gulf Incident
Message; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 1964 1515
Address on Vietnam before the
National Legislative Congress, 1967 1517
Selective Service Act, 1967 1520
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1968 1522
Richard M. Nixon, News Conference on
Cambodia, 1970 1525