Ridling, Philosophy Then and Now: A Look Back at 26 Centuries of Thought
Renaissance and Renascences in Western Art, 2 vol. (1960, reissued in 1 vol,
1969); J.H. PLUMB (ed.), Renaissance Profiles (1965); PASQUALE
ROTONDI, The Ducal Palace of Urbino: Its Architecture and Decoration
(1969; originally published in Italian in 2 vol., 1950-51); CHARLES B.
SCHMITT, Aristotle and the Renaissance (1983); CHARLES TRINKAUS, In
Our Image and Likeness: Humanity and Divinity in Italian Humanist Thought,
2 vol. (1970), and The Poet as Philosopher: Petrarch and the Formation of
Renaissance Consciousness (1979); BERTHOLD L. ULLMAN, The
Humanism of Coluccio Salutati (1963); WILLIAM HARRISON
WOODWARD, Vittorino da Feltre and Other Humanist Educators (1897,
reissued 1970), and Studies in Education During the Age of the Renaissance,
1400-1600 (1906, reissued 1967); and G.F. YOUNG, The Medici, 2 vol.
(1909, reissued in 1 vol., 1933).
Works of the humanists:
Works by the later humanists (c. 1500 and after) and the English poet-
humanists mentioned in the article, including Castiglione, Cellini, Elyot,
Erasmus, Jonson, Machiavelli, Montaigne, More, Pico della Mirandola,
Rabelais, Shakespeare, Sidney, Spenser, Tasso, and Vasari, are readily
available in many modern English editions. For the writings of the earlier
humanists, see LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, The Family in Renaissance
Florence, trans. by RENÉE NEU WATKINS (1969); GIOVANNI
BOCCACCIO, The Decameron, trans. by MARK MUSA and PETER
BONDANELLA (1982), and Boccaccio on Poetry, 2nd ed., ed. and trans. by
CHARLES G. OSGOOD (1956, reprinted 1978), a translation of the preface
and books 14 and 15 of his De genealogia deorum gentilium; biographies of
Dante by Boccaccio and Leonardo Bruni in The Earliest Lives of Dante, trans.
by JAMES ROBINSON SMITH (1901, reprinted 1976); letters by Poggio