Problems 265
M.R. Anderberg, 1973: Cluster Analysis for Applications. N.Y. Academic.
G.H. Ball and D.J. Hall, 1965: A Novel Method of Data Analysis and Pattern Classification.
Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California.
G.R. Coleman and H.C. Andrews, 1979: Image Segmentation by Clustering. Proc. IEEE, 67,
R.D. Duda, P.E. Hart and D.G. Stork, 2001: Pattern Classification, 2e. N.Y., Wiley.
J.A. Hartigan, 1975: Clustering Algorithms. N.Y., Wiley.
D.J. Kelly, 1983: The Concept of a Spectral Class – A Comparison of Clustering AIgorithms.
M. Eng. Sc. Thesis. The University of New South Wales, Australia.
D.A. Landgrebe and L. Biehl, 1995: An Introduction to MultiSpec. West Lafayette, Purdue
Research Foundation (http: //∼biehl/MultiSpec
P.A. Letts, 1978: Unsupervised Classification in The Aries Image Analysis System. Proc. 5th
Canadian Symp. on Remote Sensing, 61–71.
T.L. Phillips (Ed.), 1973: LARSYS Version 3 Users Manual. Laboratory for Applications of
Remote Sensing, Purdue University, West Lafayette.
J. van Ryzin, 1977: Classification and Clustering. N.Y., Academic.
R.C. Tryon and D.E. Bailey, 1970: Cluster Analysis, N.Y., McGraw-Hill.
9.1 Repeat the exercise of Fig. 9.2 but with
(i) two initial cluster centres at (2,3) and (5,6),
(ii) three initial cluster centres at (1,1), (3,3) and (5,5), and
(iii) three initial cluster centres at (2,1), (4,2) and (15,15).
9.2 From a knowledge of how a particular clustering algorithm works it is sometimes possible
to infer the multidimensional spectral shapes of the clusters generated. For example, methods
that depend entirely upon Euclidean distance as a similarity metric would tend to produce
hyperspheroidal clusters. Comment on the cluster shapes you would expect to be generated by
the migrating means technique based upon Euclidean distance and the single pass procedure,
also based upon Euclidean distance.
9.3 Suppose two different techniques have given two different clusterings of a particular set
of data and you wish to assess which of the two segmentations is the better. One approach
might be to evaluate the sum of square errors measure treated in Sect. 9.2. Another could
be based upon covariance matrices. For example it is possible to define an “among clusters”
covariance matrix that describes how the clusters themselves are scattered about the data space,
and an average “within class” covariance matrix that describes the average shape and size of
the clusters. Let these be called Σ
and Σ
respectively. How could they be used together
to assess the quality of the two clustering results? (See Coleman and Andrews, 1979) Here
you may wish to use measures of the “size” of a matrix, such as its trace or determinant (see
Appendix D).
9.4 Different clustering methods often produce quite different segmentations of the same set
of data, as illustrated in the examples of Figs. 9.3 and 9.6. Yet the results generated for remote
sensing applications are generally usable. Why do you think that is the case? (Hint: Is it related
to the number of clusters generated?)