3.11 Electron detectors
The commonest type of SEM image is derived from secondary electrons
ejected from the sample by the incident electrons (Section 2.4). In most cases
a detector for backscattered as well as secondary electrons (Section 2.3.1)is
also provided. Both modes of detection are also available in EMPs.
3.11.1 Secondary-electron detectors
Usually secondary electrons are detected by means of a ‘scintillator’, which
produces light when bombarded with electrons, the light being converted into
an electrical signal by a photomultiplier. However, secondary electrons are
emitted with energies of only a few electron volts and must be accelerated to
produce a reasonable output from the scintillator. A positive potential (e.g.
10 kV) is therefore applied to a thin metal coating on the scintillator.
The detector most commonly used in SEMs is the Everhart–Thornley (E–T)
type illustrated in Fig. 3.14. This has a mesh in front of the scintillator, which
can be biassed to control electron collection. With a positive bias (e.g. 200 V),
secondary electrons are attracted and, after passing through the spaces in the
mesh, are accelerated towards the scintillator.
When the specimen is immersed in the magnetic field of the final lens in
order to achieve the highest possible spatial resolution (see Section 3.3),
Light pipe
kV+200 V
Fig. 3.14. An Everhart–Thornley detector, as used in SEMs: low-energy
secondary electrons (SE) are attracted by þ200 V on the grid and
accelerated onto the scintillator by þ10 kV; light produced by the
scintillator passes along a transparent ‘light pipe’ to an external
photomultiplier, which converts light into an electrical signal; backscattered
electrons (BSE) are also detected, but less efficiently because they have higher
energy and are not significantly deflected by the grid potential.
3.11 Electron detectors 35