The Root Causes of Terrorism 29
MIPT Terrorism Incident Database
rather than the more commonly
used ITERATE dataset
(Krueger and Maleckova assembled their own
event dataset from State Department reports), Lia and Skjolberg find
Africa to be the continent with the highest number of terrorism-related
injuries in the seven years before 2004, even though there is widespread
underreporting of terrorism in less-developed countries.
It is interesting to note that successful programs to deradical-
ize terrorists often involve economic incentives (Cragin and Chalk,
2003; Ibrahim, 1980; also see “Preachers to the Converted,” 2007,
and Noricks, 2009). Moreover, a recent report on detainees in Iraq
(Bowman, 2008) noted that the U.S. military is currently releasing
more detainees than it is bringing to detention centers. According to
National Public Radio’s Tom Bowman, this is because the United
States discovered that the majority of those detained were “young,
poorly educated men without jobs who accepted money from al-Qaida
in Iraq (AQI) to serve as lookouts, or to build or plant roadside bombs.”
In support of this contention, Major General Doug Stone, the head of
American detention facilities in southern Iraq, conceived a plan to keep
newly released detainees from returning to AQI’s control. Detainees
are monitored for a period of six months after release. For each month
that they return to the detention center to check in, they receive a sti-
pend of about $200 a month, roughly equivalent to what they were
previously receiving from AQI (Bowman, 2008).
Although the contradictory nature of these findings about the
links between economic variables and terrorism can sometimes be
attributed to differently measured concepts, the type and quality of
datasets used, and the failure to distinguish different types of terror-
ism, the “more murder in the middle” thesis (Fein, 1987) also has long-
standing roots in terrorism studies. Several scholars have remarked on
the number of educated, middle-, and upper-class participants in terror-
ist organizations (Sageman, 2004; Friedman, 2002)—particularly in
the Palestinian case (Hassan, 2001; Berrebi, 2003) and in 1970s groups
such as Baader-Meinhof (Aust, 1988; Combs, 2003). Callaway and
Harrelson-Stephens (2006) posit that the relationship between subsis-
tence and terrorism is an inverted “U”: ose at the low end are too busy
trying to survive to rebel and those at the high end are fairly satisfied