52 Social Science for Counterterrorism: Putting the Pieces Together
Leaders Versus Followers
Terrorism research would also benefit from a greater effort to distin-
guish between leaders and followers or, indeed, among the many dif-
ferent types of actors in a terrorist system (Davis and Jenkins, 2004);
National Research Council, 2002, Chapter 10; Stern, 2003), which
include leaders, lieutenants, foot soldiers, sources of ideology and
inspiration, facilitators of finance and logistics, and the portion of the
population that either condones or supports the terrorist organization.
Although the organizational theory portion of the literature does tend
to focus on this distinction to a greater degree (Crenshaw, 1981; Chai,
1993), it is mentioned much less often in the broader terrorism lit-
erature—although it is not totally ignored (McCauley, 1991; Reader,
2000). But it is a distinction that matters. From a practical perspec-
tive, group leadership tends to be more stable than group membership,
for example. Moreover, Victoroff (2005) observes, “Leaders and fol-
lowers tend to be psychologically distinct. Because leadership tends to
require at least moderate cognitive capacity, assumptions of rationality
possibly apply better to leaders than to followers” (p. 33). Crenshaw
and Chai distinguish between leaders and followers in terms of differ-
ing levels of commitment, different interests, and even different goals.
Lipsky (1968), Popkin (1987), and others emphasize the important role
of movement leadership to groups of the “relatively powerless [and] low
income.” Lipsky also suggests that “groups which seek psychological
gratification from politics, but cannot or do not anticipate material
political rewards, may be attracted to [more] militant protest leaders”
(p. 1148).
e distinction between leaders and followers is particularly
important when it comes to policy prescriptions. e solutions for elim-
inating funding for terrorist groups or activities will be different from
the solutions for preventing grassroots radicalization. Foreign fighters
and suicide bombers in Iraq seem to have very different demographic
characteristics from the newly popularized archetype of the educated,
middle-class terrorist motivated by ideology or grievance alone (Zavis,
2008; Quinn, 2008). Further exploration of the role of charismatic
leaders (Weber, 1968) might also help us to better understand the
greater appeal of some ideologies over others. Finally, distinguishing