22 Social Science for Counterterrorism: Putting the Pieces Together
Other processes that have been suggested to lead to regime dele-
gitimation include (1) regime support for unpopular economic, social,
or cultural institutions; (2) evidence of corruption; (3) weak infrastruc-
tural power (for example, policing, provision of services); (4) exclusion
of mobilized groups from political participation or access to resources
(sometimes reflected in class struggle or elite disenfranchisement); and
the specification of the repression hypothesis to include (5) regime use
of indiscriminate violence against oppositional groups or political repre-
sentatives. Although revolutions scholar Jeff Goodwin (2001) does not
refer explicitly to regime legitimacy, he suggests that all of these prac-
tices, when employed by the state, have a cumulative effect that can
lead to the development of strong opposition movements. Moreover,
delegitimation of the regime occurs in the context of rising inequality
and increasing resistance, during which frustrated members of politi-
cal parties or social movements become alienated and militarized in
response to fraud and repression, concluding that violence is “the only
way out” (pp. 25–26).
Democracy. If regimes are viewed on a spectrum of legitimacy,
surely democratic regimes are at the high end of that spectrum (assum-
ing a degree of competence and security). However, there is disagree-
ment about the effects of democracy and political inequality on ter-
rorism. Empirically, the results are mixed, although there is more
agreement as the variable is increasingly disaggregated. Some schol-
ars, taking a page from democratic peace theory (Kant, 1795; Doyle,
1983), argue that, since democracies provide increased opportunities
for both participation and nonviolent resolution of conflict and griev-
ances, democracies should be less likely to produce terrorism (Schmid,
1992; Gurr, 2003; Li, 2005; Kaye, Wehrey, Grant, and Stahl, 2008).
Although Eisinger studied cities rather than states, his early (1973)
work distinguishing those American cities that did or did not have
rioting in the 1960s concluded that cities with more available avenues
of political participation tended to preempt riots by offering an oppor-
tunity to redress grievances. Along these lines, Engene (1998) found
that successful unionization was negatively correlated with domestic
terrorism (Lia and Skjolberg, 2004).