132 Social Science for Counterterrorism: Putting the Pieces Together
tional bins can be so difficult. Insurgent or terrorist propaganda, dis-
seminated on TV, through the Internet, or in printed form, can call
attention to salient aspects of the context (repression, lack of voice), can
attempt to mobilize social processes (invoke identities, call for revenge,
suggest a means/benefit calculation), or can advertise the effectiveness
of the group in serving as a proxy actor for resistance. Propaganda is
not just information; it includes “propaganda by deed,” where actions
taken by the terrorist or insurgent group can have influence. Tradi-
tionally, “propaganda by deed” refers to violent action against politi-
cal enemies to inspire or otherwise catalyze an audience. A broader
interpretation includes actions that provoke disproportionate responses
from authorities and good deeds (discussed under provision of social
services, below) done by the organization.
Examples of carefully orchestrated propaganda campaigns abound
in the terrorism and insurgency literature. See, for example, Schleifer’s
(2006) discussion of Hezbollah PSYOP or Metz’s and Millen’s (2004)
discussion of the topic.
Propaganda can be also used as a tool for mobilization (in the
tradition of social movements; see Marks, 2004, and Haussler, Russel,
and Baylouny, 2005). Propaganda is an important element in strategic
communications considerations.
Provision of Social Services. In addition to offering would-be
supporters a way to strike out against “enemies,” terrorist or insurgent
organizations can make other contributions to exchange relationships.
Large, public organizations often offer area communities a variety of
basic services, especially over areas they control or would like to (see
the discussion in Sinai, 2007). is has been found to be very effective
in generating positive opinions, endorsement, and support (Helmus,
Paul, and Glenn, 2007; Bloom, 2007).
Protection and access to resources are classic elements of the gang/
community exchange, and the logic continues to apply when insur-
gents are viewed as “3rd generation gangs” (Haussler, Russel, and May-
louny, 2005).
Flanigan (2006) notes that Hezbollah has used provision of ser-
vices to build a dedicated and indebted constituency, and that organi-
zations in Turkey, Egypt, and Algeria have followed similar approaches