158 Social Science for Counterterrorism: Putting the Pieces Together
phy that the deaths were as part of planned terrorist attacks. e results
were identical in sign and statistically significant.
Since information at that time was available only for those hailed
as “martyrs,” it included only dead terrorists who had been able to suc-
cessfully execute their missions. It did not include terrorists who had
failed or who had been caught.
It is reasonable to suspect that success-
ful terrorists will also be abler terrorists, potentially not representative
of the entire population of terrorists, and therefore the results could
not be generalized beyond successful terrorists.
Reporting bias was a
legitimate concern, as was the fact that in most cases the poverty status
of terrorists was inferred from descriptors indicating wealth, whereas
the population data provided information about earnings rather than
accumulated wealth. Despite the limitations, these data are informa-
tive. First, summary statistics revealed that 31 percent of the Palestin-
ians, compared with only 16 percent of the terrorists, were considered
Second, out of 208 observations in which information
about the terrorist’s education was available, 96 percent of the terrorists
had at least a high school education and 65 percent had received some
higher education, compared with 51 percent and 15 percent, respec-
tively, in the Palestinian population of the same age, sex, and religion.
I used these data to estimate a logistic equation to model participa-
tion in Hamas and PIJ, controlling for several factors simultaneously.
e results from the simple summary statistics held up in the more-
sophisticated analyses. Namely, both higher education and standard
of living appear to be positively associated with membership in terror
organizations, such as Hamas or PIJ, and with becoming a suicide
bomber (Berrebi, 2007).
In a later study, Efraim Benmelech and I were able to obtain
detailed information on all suicide attacks by Palestinian terrorists
against Israeli targets in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza strip
between September 2000 and August 2005. e information, collected
from reports provided by the Israeli Security Agency, was culled into a
dataset that covers 151 suicide bombing attacks carried out by 168 sui-
cide bombers. ese attacks killed 515 Israelis and injured 3,428. More
important, the data also contained detailed information about failed
attacks. As before, we reaffirmed that suicide bombers were on average