184 Social Science for Counterterrorism: Putting the Pieces Together
e results for civil liberties were the same as what I found in the
international terrorism results: countries with fewer civil liberties
were more likely to be source countries of foreign insurgents in
Iraq. If we measured political rights instead of civil liberties, we
found that foreign insurgents were coming from more totalitarian
regimes. On the other hand, civil liberties were more powerful as
a predictor.
Political Sensitivity of Targets. It could be argued that the over-
whelming number of political figures or targets, such as embassies, obvi-
ates this point. e RAND-Memorial Institute for the Prevention of
Terrorism (RAND-MIPT) terrorism chronology database reveals that
between January 1, 1968, and January 1, 2007, of the 30,611 recorded
terrorist attacks worldwide, over a quarter (7,739) were against govern-
ment or diplomatic targets. In fact, political targets were attacked more
often than any other target category, more than religious figures and
institutions, educational institutions, journalists and media, telecom-
munication, food or water supplies, utilities, transportation, tourists,
airports, airlines and aviation, nongovernmental organizations, mari-
time or military, abortion-related, or even other terrorists and former
terrorists targets all combined. Notably, half of the assassinations per-
petrated by terrorists, and about 60 percent of the terrorist hostage and
barricade attacks, were against government and diplomatic targets.
Careful use of logistic probability and count model regression
analyses of the Palestinian case study shows, as mentioned above, that
politically sensitive areas, such as localities with a regional capital,
were three times more likely than other localities to be targeted. e
same study also revealed that terrorists are unlikely to leave politically
sensitive areas calm for long periods, whereas they might chose to do
so for other comparable but politically insensitive areas (Berrebi and
Lakdawalla, 2007).
Timing of Attacks and Electoral Outcomes. An interesting feature
of the timing of terrorist attacks is that they tend to be concentrated
within well-defined campaigns. Robert Pape, in his work about sui-
cide terrorist attacks, finds that nearly all suicide attacks occur in orga-
nized, coherent campaigns, not as isolated or randomly limited inci-
dents (Pape, 2005). Contrary to popular beliefs, terrorists are unlikely