206 Social Science for Counterterrorism: Putting the Pieces Together
e examples are only that: partial and arbitrary. ere was no intent to system-
atically review the universe of terrorist groups with territorial claims. at would be
beyond the scope of this paper.
For an English translation of Hamas’s charter, see Yale Law School (2009).
For further details about Hizballah and its manifesto, see Wikipedia.
One problem that arises when evaluating the success in achieving ultimate terri-
torial goals is that, as long as a terrorist campaign is ongoing, it is impossible to con-
fidently determine a failure. Rational expectation would be consistent if, on aver-
age, out of those terrorist organizations that ceased their terrorist activities, more
achieved concessions than not.
Pape conducted a follow-up study (2005) that expanded and updated this analy-
sis. e follow-up study adds more data on the global patterns of suicide terrorism
through the end of 2003 and also tests the main hypotheses against all of the other
causal factors that are prominent in the literature across several domains, relying on
methods that include variation between cases of suicide terrorism and cases without
variation (Pape, 2008). e main findings remain unchanged.
Abrahms (2004) recognizes that terrorists behave according to what I have
termed tactical rationality on several dimensions, including purposiveness, logic,
timing, target selection, and learning. However, he based his irrationality argument
on the inability of terrorists to achieve their ultimate stated political goals, such as
furthering territorial concessions.
Note that the article was written on the basis of the Palestinian terrorist’s example
before Israel’s pull-out (that is, complete evacuation) of the Gaza Strip in 2005, and
Hamas’s de facto control of the strip shortly thereafter. ese events (considered
major achievements to the terrorist organizations in pursuit of their objectives) put
Abrahms’s irrationality thesis into question.
“With a few exceptions it is hard to see that the attention and publicity have been
of much value except as ends in themselves” (Schelling, 1991), p. 20.
Brian M. Jenkins argues that al-Qaeda sees its cause as a process rather than as
the efficient pursuit of concrete objectives: “Allah will decide what outcomes will be,
but the process of jihad is worthy” (Jenkins, 2006). is might explain the dogged-
ness with which al-Qaeda and predecessor organizations have pursued their cause
despite incredible setbacks. Some contrary evidence can be seen in recent recount-
ing of discussions among al-Qaeda members and associates (Stout, Huckabey, and
Schindler, 2008).
For example, within the category of political goals, nationalist groups might seek
autonomy or secession, whereas religious groups seek the replacement of secular
with religious law, and social revolutionary groups seek to overthrow capitalism.