How Do Terrorists Generate and Maintain Support? 119
more than the passive tolerance of the host state (see Byman, 2005;
Forrest et al., 2006; Lia and KjØk, 2001; Byman et al., 2001; Haussler,
Russel, and Baylouny, 2005).
Although terrorists or insurgents want the active support of the
population within which they operate, for certain segments of the
populations or for certain kind of insurgent groups, passive accep-
tance may be adequate (Haussler, Russel, and Baylouny, 2005). One
can easily imagine operations for which a group needs to avoid having
anyone notify the forces of their preparations but needs very little sup-
port beyond that. Social processes of silencing or subtle coercion can
lead to passive acceptance (Flanigan, 2006), as can more active coer-
cion or intimidation.
Factors Determining the Magnitude of Needs. Terrorist groups
have differing levels of need for the six resources identified (Metz and
Millen, 2004; Haussler, Russel, and Baylouny, 2005). e size of the
group, the group’s goals, the nature of operations undertaken, and the
extent to which the group is overt or covert all contribute to the need in
each category. Here the literature’s reductionist tendencies are revealed,
with most authors pointing toward two “ideal types” of organization:
the typical insurgent or guerilla organization and the typical transna-
tional terrorist organization. e former is typed to be large, seeks the
overthrow and replacement of the current government through mili-
tary means, undertakes a wide range of quasi-military operations (up to
and including force-on-force conventional attacks), and is largely overt;
the latter is held to be small, seeks often underspecified goals, engages
in infrequent but symbolically painful attacks, and is almost wholly
covert (Turk, 2004). After reviewing this literature, I conclude that
there is no reason for naïve acceptance of either of these ideal types. In
practice, analyzing the connection between a specific identified group’s
characteristics and its resource needs is not very difficult and it seems
more fruitful to do so than to lose context-dependent subtleties.
Of the identified factors contributing to magnitudes of support
needs, overtness or covertness is the most contentious. Some assert that
wholly clandestine groups are markedly different from other groups
and that a core difference is having few support needs, including very
little or no need for passive support (see Rodriguez, 2005, or Tsveto-