Why and How Some People Become Terrorists 89
revenge motive for terrorism has yet to be assessed in other zones of
conflict, such as Iraq or the Palestinian territories.
Collective Grievance: Duty to Defend
“Collective grievance” refers to perceived problems experienced by
members of an identifiable social group. Often, individuals increasingly
identify with a social group whom they see as subject to unjust policies
or actions. In the case of Islamic extremism, radicals increasingly iden-
tify with their Muslim heritage and the broader Muslim community.
ey may see discriminatory practices unjustly affecting this group or
become incensed at abusive acts perpetrated against faraway Muslim
“kin.” e desire to address these collective grievances may prove a
motivating force in the radicalization process.
A need to defend the perceived collective may underpin a desire to
respond to collective grievances. Petter Nesser evaluated motivational
patterns that appear to have precipitated terrorist attacks in Europe.
He noted that key operatives and leaders regularly cited the occupation
of Palestine, French support for the Algerian regime, Russian military
operations in Chechnya, the Iraq war, and perceived European dis-
crimination and persecution of Muslims (Nesser, 2006b). He states,
“e doctrine and idea of global defensive jihad against aggressors
attacking Islam and Muslims stands out as the single most important
motivational factor at the group level” (p. 327).
A major factor implicated in radicalization relates to perceived
“attacks on the collective,” such as the anger incited by exposure to
atrocities committed against Muslims living in faraway lands. e
Internet is replete with depictions of anti-Muslim violence from con-
flicts in Kashmir, Bosnia, Chechnya, the Palestinian territories, Iraq,
and Afghanistan. ey are usually worst-case stories that are intended
to inflame public opinion. ey are available to anyone with Internet
access. Many terrorist and radical organizations also distribute DVD
and cassette videos (Speckhard, 2006; Silke, 2008). Numerous studies
have implicated exposure to videos of foreign Muslim conflicts in the
radicalization of European and Middle East–based militants (Obaid
and Cordesman, 2005; Hegghammer, 2006, 2007; Sageman, 2008).