Promotion Strategies
might be several times more effective than another. This indicates that the quality of advertising
tends to be more important than the quantity of advertising. Nevertheless, the quantity of advertising
(i.e., the media weight) must achieve a threshold level for the advertising to have any positive effects.
Limited telephone tracking research (and this can be done with small budgets) can monitor the
cumulative effects of advertising upon awareness, brand image, and consumer attitudes, and is one
of the simplest and most effective ways to make sure that advertising is doing its job. Message recall
is a positive factor, but its importance should not be overstated. Brand registration, however, is
always important (as opposed to message/element recall). If consumers don’t remember the brand
name, the effectiveness of the advertising is correspondingly reduced. Failure to register the brand
name is one of the most common weaknesses of the commercials.
Advertising effectiveness cannot be determined by any one measure, such as persuasion or
recall. Recall is a good measure for some commercials, but not for others. Persuasion scores don’t
work very well for brands with high market shares, and cannot be relied upon for brands in poorly
defined product categories. Purchase intent works reasonably well for new products, but poorly for
established products. A large number of important variables must be examined to judge the potential
effectiveness of advertising. The commercials on AM/FM radio can be as effective or more than
effective television commercials on the basis of sales return per dollar of media. Typically, radio
production budgets are much less than television and radio commercials are rarely submitted to the
rigors of marketing research evaluation.
Internet is the fastest growing medium in the 90’s with 25 million users and with an average estimated
growth of 10-20% per month. It has great potential as an advertising medium. Its feedback and
interaction possibilities enable advertisers and Internet users to customize and differentiate the
advertisement to meet the user’s own requirements. Internet advertising is becoming part of some
companies’ marketing strategy. However, it requires new strategies and thinking. The benefits of
Internet advertising are its ability to cover all promotional objectives from awareness to action by
leveraging all 5 elements in the promotion mix. Online advertising has been increasingly booming and
had reached about $ 2 billion in 1998. Internet advertising offers a variety of advantages. It offers an
exceptional ability to target specific customers. Besides, it blurs the division between content and
advertising, which the traditional media regard as sacred. If the money is right, many online publishers
are willing to strike whatever sort of partnerships an advertiser might want. The Internet is also a
highly selective, cost effective media with greater measurability than any other media. Despite higher
global reach Internet is not a local mainstream media yet. Traditional advertising is consumed passively,
yet on the Internet, the users have to actively select an advertisement. These changes the way
advertisers generate and re-train customers. To persuade visitors to revisit and spend time on the
web site the advertisers must fulfill real customer needs on continuous basis. This requires clear
objectives and targeting. Informative quality content, advertisement with interesting entertainment or
direct sales possibilities can add value to the customer. Internet implementation requires understanding,
commitment and resource allocation from corporate management to operate successfully. The