Marketing Dynamics: Theory and Practice
edge technology and production capabilities. The programs for company to develop some social
programs that create social benefits to the Hispanic society. The volume and variety of the programs
produced by the principal company TV Azteca in Mexico is exhibited in Figure 3.
Vive Sin Drogas (Drugs Free Life)
This program is made throughout
public service announcements warning
teens of the dangers of illegal drugs. This
program coveys with the help of
community leaders, drug de-addiction
experts and those with first hand
experience, through live coverage of
schools and communities envisaging the
message to stay off from drugs. This
program was launched in Los Angeles in
November 2002.
El Juguetón
During the holiday season, Azteca America’s talent urges viewers to donate toys to needy children
and families. In 2001, El Juguetón’s 6th anniversary in Mexico, TV Azteca presented 1,600,000 toys
to children who would otherwise have no gifts. By 2003, it accounted for more than 3 million toys.
This program was also launched in Los Angeles in Christmas 2002.
To survive, a company must no longer trust existing trends or “strong signals;” instead, it needs to
identify “weak signals” - those which announce future changes in their strategic landscape. Shifts
occur at the point where an industry or an environment is about to change dramatically and where
the rules for playing the game are being transformed into drastically different ones. This needs to be
analysed from the point of view of competing media companies, cable networks and DVD marketers
in the Hispanic customer segment in America. A key success factor in screening trends is to develop
a solid filter to be used to sifter through the immense mass of information available. This filter can be
much broader than just observing competitors or technology trends. It usually includes the notion of
ideas and competencies. The process of screening trends is especially developed in companies which
have understood that, often the answers about the future are already here, but need to be uncovered.
Further, benchmarking consists in comparing your company or industry to the “Best-in-class” to
understand which areas to develop or competencies to acquire.
“…….Customers want more of everything they value. If they value low cost they want it lower.
If they value convenience they want it easier and faster. If they look for state of the art they want it
first and want to push the envelope. If they need expert advice they want more time and dedicated
effort and investment”.
Under such circumstances what should the entertainment company do to
15 Rajagopal : Marketing Governance: A Conceptual Analysis, Working Paper, ASCI, India, 2000
Figure 3: Production of programs by TV Azteca
(until October 2002)