Promotion Strategies
methods and styles of communications of the target markets that you want to reach with your ads. A
media plan and calendar can be very useful, which specify what advertising methods are to be used
and when.
Over a period of time, the Cancer Society of India observed that enough awareness about the
cancer has not been generated in the society and consequently the cancer check out patients
departments (OPDs) in the hospitals had very low turnout. The Society realized the need for
launching an effective campaign for the cancer check and decided to provide free check-up
facilities. The leading advertising agency Ogilvy, Benson and Matter (OBM), Mumbai was
the chosen for this campaign. The Cancer Society of India and OBM felt to assess the level
of awareness of the people and their perception about the disease and its symptoms. The
research study conducted on the sample of 600 existing and anticipated patients revealed
that the awareness of the cancer disease was very high (96%) but people had no specific
knowledge of the disease, people associated very low chances of survival with cancer and
as a result of fear of death the tendency of confining the disease to oneself largely prevailed,
patients also thought, it would be very expensive to get the treatment for the cancer. However,
the attitude of the patients of lower income group towards the disease was fatalistic and the
patients of middle income group were pessimistic. The hope was only for the patients who
come from high-income group and could afford the treatment. The findings of the research
the campaign by the OBM highlighted on the confidence building and awareness aspects.
The campaign in the print media was largely educational describing the myth and reality of
the disease. The perceived causes, symptoms, likelihood of getting the cancer, cure and
medical support have been the major themes of the campaign. The body of the text of
advertisement also brought out the top of the mind reactions of the patient and his family
members and attempted to build the confidence by wiping out the fear of death from the
minds of the patients. The focus of advertising was on bringing the attitudinal change, social
acceptability. Building mental strength and motivating for free check-up at Indian Cancer
Society Centers (ICS). The basic problem that emerged in the campaign was the co-ordination
of information and professional support. The free check-ups were not the cure for the disease
and it discouraged patients, as the economics of treatment seemed to be very high. The
campaign in the print media did not make a marketable dent in the rural areas, as it would not
have been backed with the strong word of mouth support.
Fashion Advertisements (FAds) and strategies building for optimum sales realization are prominent
among various sales promotion tools. As discussed earlier, the FAds have a greater impact on the
elite clientele group as compared to other measures used for raising the sales. The product branding
and packaging technology is the core input for FAds. Attractive packaging and popular branding
have a significant role in the market expansion and product promotion. In a competitive market
economy, the brands are hired by the manufactures for product marketing. In this system, new
product managers have to face an uphill task. In marketing new products, it is essential to take
potential as well as existing customers into confidence through an effective communication
management. In the absence of building up such awareness, the new product manager gets fringe
benefits while the brand owner gets a higher share in the consumers’ rupee. As such, these companies
1 Cancer Society of India: Cancer Awareness Programs, Evaluation documents, CSI, Mumbai, 2000
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