ring configuration in their packless seal that can increase the seal water pressure in the
stuffing box to overcome any pump suction pressure.
AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT_______________________________________________
The condensate injection piping should be conservatively sized based on the maximum
injection flow requirements to obtain a low pressure drop between the injection source and
the seal injection control valve. These control valves may be equipped with limit stops to
prevent full closure and enable a continuous cool injection to the seals under almost all
operating conditions. In some installations, isolating lines are furnished around the valves
to enable a continued injection flow even during control valve maintenance.The valves can
also be designed to remain open during a failure, such as a loss of station air to the pneu-
matic controls, and to close only with an air supply. Injection control systems that are not
properly maintained might result in cold water entering a hot pump. Should this problem
occur while a boiler feed pump is in the hot standby mode or when turning gears, thermal
gradients will occur, leading to contact among the close running fits within the pump.
Proper maintenance and operation of the injection control systems is necessary to ensure
reliable operation of the pump itself. The air supply filter regulators for each control must
be furnished with relatively dry clean air at station supply pressure.
The condensate injection supply to the seals must be clear and free of foreign matter
to prevent damage to stuffing box components. It is therefore necessary to install filters in
the injection line prior to the control valve. To keep damaging fine mill scale, oxide parti-
cles, abrasives, and other materials from entering the small seal clearances, several pump
manufacturers recommend 100-mesh (150-micron) dual strainers. If dual strainers with
isolating valves are used, each filter can be cleaned without interrupting injection flow
during pump operation. Pressure gages should be installed before and after each filter to
permit the operator to monitor filter pressure drop. A differential pressure switch and
alarm for each filter are preferable to alert the operator to clean the strainer when pres-
sure drop becomes excessive.
The condensate injection shaft seals should always be filled with cool water before and
during pump operation, even during reverse pump rotation. Some pump manufacturers
stipulate that condensate injection must be continuous without any interruption during
all operation modes.
The clearances in the condensate injection shaft seal may double over the service life
of the internal wearing parts.With double clearances, the leakage will approximately dou-
ble.This factor should be considered when sizing the return drain piping back to the plant
condenser if frictional losses are to be kept to a minimum. The drain line should be pitched
at least a quarter-inch per foot (20 mm per meter). The collecting chamber at the pump
stuffing box is vented to the atmosphere, and the only head available to evacuate the
chamber is the static head between the pump and the point of return. This head must
always be well in excess of the frictional losses (even after the leakage is doubled). Other-
wise, the drains may back up, the collection chambers may overflow, and the adjacent
bearing brackets may flood, with subsequent possible intrusion of water into the pump
bearings and lubricating oil.
The seal collection chambers have especially large connections to assure proper
drainage, provided no back pressure exists. Two types of condensate drain systems can be
used to dispose of the drain coming from the collecting seal chambers. One system uses
traps that are piped directly to the plant condenser if sufficient static head exists for pos-
itive drain flow. The second system collects the drain in a condensate storage tank into
which various other drains (from other pumps shaft seals and so on) are also directed. As
this vented storage tank is under atmospheric pressure, it must be set at a reasonable ele-
vation below the pump centerline so that the static elevation difference will overcome fric-
tional losses in the drain piping. A separate condensate transfer pump, under control of
the storage tank liquid level control system, can then pump the condensate drains from
the storage tank into the plant condenser. The storage tank should have its own overflow