PFE Chapter 25, The Black-Scholes formula page 2
In the two previous chapters on option pricing, we’ve discussed some facts about options,
but we haven’t discussed how to determine the price of an option. In this chapter we show how
to price options using the Black-Scholes formula. The Black-Scholes formula is the most
important option pricing formula. The formula is in wide use in options markets. It has also
achieved a certain degree of notoriety, in the sense that even non finance people (lawyers,
accountants, judges, bankers . . . ) know that options are priced using Black-Scholes. They may
not know how to apply it, and they certainly wouldn’t know why the formula is correct, but they
know that it is used to price options.
In our discussion of the Black-Scholes model, we’ll make no attempt whatsoever to give
a theoretical background to the model. It’s hopeless, unless you know a lot more math than 99%
of all beginning finance students will ever know.
The next chapter discusses the other major model for pricing options, the binomial option
pricing model. The binomial model gives some insights into how to price an option, and it’s also
used widely (though not as widely as the Black-Scholes equation). Most books discuss the
binomial model—which, in a theoretical sense, underlies the Black-Scholes formula—first and
then discuss Black-Scholes. However, since we have no intention of making the theoretical
connection between the binomial model and Black-Scholes, we’ve chosen to reverse the order
and deal with the more important model first.
A bitter truth, perhaps. But get this—your professor probably can’t prove the Black-Scholes equation either (don’t
ask him, he’ll be embarrassed). On the other hand—you know how to drive a car but may not know how an internal
combustion engine works, you know how to use a computer but can’t make a central processing unit chip, ....