In one documented case the mean temperatures, sensed by the HO-62 hygro-
thermometer, at the Asheville, North Carolina, NWS Airport station, migrated
upward more than 4
F (as compared to three surrounding cooperative stations) in
less than 4 years (1965–1969). Since that time there have been other migrations
and=or shifts of 2
F. The most recent of these have been as a result of sensor
changes and=or relocations at the airport. Certainly this station’s record would not be
a good candidate for climate trend determinations. Unfortunately, sensor-driven data
errors and discontinuities for this station and others like it remain unadjusted in the
official databases and archives and in some cases undocumented.
There are several reasons why NCDC does not adjust or correct such errors during
the quality assurance (QA) process. The primary reason is that NWS stations (i.e.,
Chicago, Charlotte, Chattanooga, etc.) are quality assured on a single station basis and
as a result are unable to identify instrument ‘‘drift’’ unless that drift were to exceed
station monthly climatic extremes or cause conflict with another reported value such
as ambient temperature versus dew-point temperature. Second, there are seldom any
coincident data that would allow comparison or correction of the station in question.
Lastly, the historic digital data storage at NCDC has been sequential in nature, which
makes the correction of identified, postprocessing errors very expensive.
It should be noted that a change in a temperature sensor’s exposure can make as
much difference in the observed readings as a change in the type of sensor. Reloca-
tion of meteorological instruments at primary weather stations has been a problem
for climatologists for many years. Some have been moved from rooftops of post
offices in a downtown (urban) environment to rooftops of terminal buildings at
airports and finally from the terminal buildings to airport field level exposures.
After moving to the field level, sensors have continued to be moved due to airport
expansions or alterations. Even if the sensor has not moved, increased extent of
paved surfaces may alter the radiative flux of the area surrounding the sensor.
These relocations of sensors highlight the importance and need for timely and
accurate station history information called metadata. Without it, a user or researcher
is left to guess as to what may have caused the sudden change in the data. Accurate
metadata is just as important in the documentation of observations from the coop-
erative observer network. Even though these stations only record data on a daily
basis, it is still essential that any retrospective user know the type of instruments
used, the exposure, and the time of day when the readings are made. Unf ortunately,
NCDC’s receipt of the B-44 (metadata) forms lagged several months behind the date
of actual station move or instrument change, and thus the publication and databases
improperly indicated the location, instrument type, time of observation, or other
critical station information.
In about 1984 the NWS began replacing the liquid-in-glass thermometers at
cooperative observing sites with an electronic resistance thermometer (hereafter
referred to as the Maxi mum Minimum Temperature System (MMTS)). The sensing
accuracy of these MMTS units are generally compatible with the liquid-in-glass
thermometer they replaced, but the introduction of the MMTS brought several
new undesirable results. First is its susceptibility to electrical interference whether
that be generated by radio frequency (RF) from nearby radio transmitters or induc-
tion surges from nearby lightning strikes. Usually, the display inside the observer’s