Voltage Measurements
While environmental dataloggers can have analog inputs capable of measuring either
voltage or current signals directly, Campbell Scientific dataloggers have always
measured voltages and use an external shunt resistor to measure current signals.
Voltage measurements are made by switching the signal from one of the analog
channels into the analog-to-digital (A=D) circuitry. After waiting for the signal to
stabilize at its correct value, the signal voltage is allowed to charge up a capacitor for
a fixed amount of ‘‘integration’’ time. The voltage on the capacitor is then held for
the A=D conversion. The A=D conversion is made using a successive ap proximation
technique. For example, to measure a signal of þ1000 mV on a 2730-mV range
the microprocessor first compares the signal to 0.0 mV to determine the sign (þ or )
of the signal. Since þ1000 mV is greater than 0.0 mV, a value would be stored
indicating a positive signal and the 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC)
would then output þ1365 mV, half of the remaining range. The signal is now less
than the DAC output, so a 0 would be stored for the first bit and the DAC would next
output 682.5 mV. The process repeats until all the bits have been set, each time
closing in on the sensor’s voltage by half of the remaining range.
A datalogger typically has one DAC that outputs voltages across the largest full-
scale range (FSR). For a datalogger with a 12-bit DAC and a 2500-mV FSR to
measure a thermocouple with a 2.5-mV full-scale output, it must measure the small
signal by switching in a gain circuit that electronically multiplies the voltage by a
factor of 1000. Thus a 2.5-mV thermocouple signal is really measu red on the same
2500-mV range with the same 12-bit resolution DAC as the largest full-scale
voltage. Having multiple FSRs with voltage multipliers preserves the resolution
and accuracy of the measurements. Good system design requires that the datalogger
have multiple FSRs that have been carefully chosen to cover the voltages produced
by the sensors it is to measure.
The resolution of a voltage measurement is the smallest incremental change
detectable in the signal and therefore represents the fineness of the measurement.
The greater the number of bits for a given full-scale voltage range, the finer the
resolution of the measurement. An uncertainty of 1 bit must be assumed in the
measurement. Continuing the previous voltage measurement example out to
12 bits would yield a signal of þ1000.089 with a resol ution of 0.666 mV.
A 13-bit and a 16-bit measurement would yield þ999.925 0.333 mV and
þ999.985 0.042 mV, respectively. The number of bits a measurement is divided
into is determined by the number of bits in the DAC plus a couple of tricks. A 12-bit
DAC (2
7 1 ¼4095) is one that can change its output voltage in increments of
1=4095 of its full-scale output. An extra bit of resolution is gained by determining if
the signal is positive or negative before the successive ap proximation starts. A
second extra bit is gained when a measurement is the average of two integrations
(e.g., a differential measurement includes two integrations). To convert the resolution
of a measurement range in millivolts into engineering units, multiply the resolution
of the appropriate FSR by the ratio of the engineering unit range to the signal range.
For example, given a resolution of 0.333 mV on the 2500 mV range, and a 40