234 Chapter 6: Crystal Structures of Classical Superconductors
YNi2B2C 3.533 10.566 15.6 2*, 5, 6*
Lao.sLuo.sNi2B2C 3.577 10.44 14.8 4
La0. 5Th0. 5Ni 2B 2C 3.746 9.929 3.9 4
HoNizB2C 3.527 10.5606 8.0 2", 5, 7*
ErNizBzC 3.509 10.582 10.5 2", 5
TmNizB2C 3.494 10.613 11.0 2", 5
YbNizB2C 3.483 10.633 ... 2*
LuNi2B2C 3.472 10.658 16.6 2", 5, 8*
ThNi 2 B 2 C 3.683 10.22 8.0 4
UNi2BzC 3.486 10.70 <2 4
YPd2BC 3.75 10.7 23.0 c 9, 10
ThPd2B2C 3.84 10.67 14.5 a 11, 12
YPt2B2C 3.79 10.71 10 13
YPtl.5 Auo.6B2 C ...... 11 14
LaPt2B2C 3.8681 10.705 10 15", 2*
LaPtl.sAuo.6B2C 3.8729 10.7401 11 16, 14
PrPt2B2C ...... 6 15
PrPtl.sAuo.6B2C 3.8358 10.7442 6.5 16, 14
ThPt 2B 2 C 3.83 10.86 6.5 11
aData for RNi2B2C (R -- La, Ce-Nd, Sm-Dy; T c < 4.2 K) reported in Siegrist
et al.
(1994a*); Cava
(1994e); Gupta
et aL
(1995). Data for YTzBzC (T = Os, Co, Rh, Ir; T c < 4.2K) reported in
et aL
(1995). Data for LaTzB2C (T = Rh, Ir; Tc < 1.4 K) reported in Cava
et al.
6Magnetic structure at 5.1 and 2.2 K reported in Huang
et aL
(1995b*); substitution of 0.75% of Ni by
Co destroyed superconductivity, magnetic structure at 2 K reported in Huang
et al.
K reported for multiphase samples of compositions YPd4BC0. 2 or YPdsB3C0. 3, sometimes
showing second signal at ~ 10 K (superconducting phase not identified with certainty) (Nagarajan
1994; Hossain
et al.,
1994; Cava
et al.,
aSecond signal at 21.5 K observed for sample of nominal composition ThPd3B3C (superconducting
phase not identified).
References: 1, Mulder
et al.
(1995); 2, Siegrist
et al.
(1994a); 3, Ye
et al.
(1996); 4, Lai
et al.
(1995); 5,
et al.
(1994e); 6, Chakoumakos and Paranthaman (1994); 7, Huang
et aL
(1995b); 8, Siegrist
(1994b); 9, Zandbergen
et al.
(1994c); 10, Cava
et al.
(1994d); 11, Sarrao
et aL
(1994); 12,
et al.
(1994d); 13, Yang
et aL
(1995); 14, Buchgeister
et al.
(1995); 15, Cava
et al.
(1994b); 16, Cava
et al.
La3Ni2B2N3 type,
t/20, (139)
La3Ni2B2N2.91 , T c = 13 K a, PN, RT,
= 0.0697
a = 3.72512, c -- 20.5172A, Z = 2, Fig. 6.21 (Huang
et al.,
1995a; Cava
et al.,
Atom WP x y z Occ.
La(1) 4(e) 0 0 0.3705
La(2) 2(a) 0 0 0
1 1
Ni 4(d) 0 ~
B 4(e) 0 0 0.1946
N(1) 4(e) 0 0 0.1246
N(2) 2(6) 0 0 0.91
aT c
varies from 12 to 13 K with nitrogen content.
bAltemative refinement in Zandbergen
et al. (1994b)
and Zandbergen and Cava (1995).