C. Aligned and Body-Centered Types
sites is designated [Cu
0 2 --].
The complementary layer [--0
2 Cu]
copper in the centered sites. Figure 7.7 illustrates the notation for several
commonly occurring layers.
All of the cuprates under discussion have a horizontal reflection plane, ah at
the center of the unit cell, and a h planes at the top and bottom of the cell. This
means that each atom in the lower half of the unit cell (z < 89 at the position x, y, z
has a counterpart in the upper half of the cell (z > 89 at the position
x =:~ x, y =~ y, z =:~ 1- z
Atoms exactly on the
symmetry planes only occur once since they cannot be
reflected. Figure 7.8 shows a layer at a height z reflected to the height 1 - z. This
symmetry operation preserves the structure of the layer, i.e., a [Ba O] layer
reflects to [Ba O] under a h.
The even-type cuprates have, in addition to the ah plane, the body centering
operation, whereby every atom at a position x, y, z generates another atom at the
following position:
1 89 1
x =C, x • , y =:> y zk. , z =~ z zk ~ .
Thus, a layer at the height z forms an image layer at the height z 4- 89 in which the
edge atoms become centered, the centered ones become edge types, and each face
atom moves to another face site. The signs in these operations are selected so that
the generated points and layers remain within the unit cell. Thus, if z is less than
I the plus sign must be selected, viz. z =r z + 89 etc. The body centering
operation converts [Cu O2 --] and [--O2 Cu] conduction layers into each
other. Figure 7.8 illustrates these symmetry features, whereby for both aligned
and body-centered compounds an initial [Cu O2 --] layer at a vertical position
z < 89 has a reflection layer [Cu O 2 --] at the height 1- z. Body-centered
compounds generate two additional layers, namely, a [-- O 2 Cu] layer at the
height 89 + z and another [-- O2 Cu] layer at the height 89 z, in which the Cu
ions are out of alignment because of the interchange of edge and center positions,
Fig. 7.9.
4----- a --------~ ,t~----- a '----------~
Rectangular (top) and rhombal (bottom) type distortions of a tetragonal unit cell of width a to
an orthorhombic cell of dimensions a', b'. [Poole et al. 1995, p. 177.]