360 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena
([BAH 01], [CAS 06], [JAC 91], [MEA 91], [PRI 91]). We will here only give certain
general indications, which should allow the reader to appreciate the information
processing problems that arise in the treatment of physical phenomena encountered in
acoustics, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.
7.3.2. Analytical representation
A signal s(t) can be represented by a simple “analytical” function, in other words
a compact expression which defines a process at each instant of an interval of study,
either by means of predefined functions such as circular functions, polynomials,
Bessel functions, etc. or by means of formulae which imply one or many known
methods (integration, differentiation, convolution, etc.). The “analytical” term is not
here to be taken in the strict mathematical sense, despite the fact that the function
used can satisfy the mathematical definition of analyticity.
This analytical representation, exact or approximate, can be obtained in different
– an exact explicit solution of a system of equations that constitute a model,
although in practice this is rarely possible for continuous media in flow;
– an approximate global solution of the same system of equations by a procedure
which consists of satisfying the averaged equations (weak solution). Different ways
of proceeding exist; for example, we can replace the equations with integral
conditions which constitute a simpler system of equations containing fewer
variables and to which it is possible to find an analytical solution (see elementary
examples discussed in sections 6.2.6, and or a solution of a form
which is given
a priori and for which certain coefficients can be obtained by least
square methods (error minimization, etc.);
– interpolation functions (polynomial or other function) obtained from punctual
measurement data, graphical recordings, etc.
The analytical representation of a signal
s(t) thus consists of defining the class of
functions used and the parameters that characterize this particular function. In
general, predefined elementary or special functions allow a particular synthetic
knowledge, which a numerical representation does not provide. Knowledge of their
properties often allows interpretations of the solution thus obtained and reasoning
regarding the relations of cause and effect by means of known analytical properties.
It is thus possible to derive particular properties or other analytical forms without
any numerical computation in the context of the theories used. These analysis
possibilities only exist if the analytical representation comprises only a handful of
coefficients: the properties of a full series are too general to be useful, except if they
represent known functions or if they are defined by laws of recurrence.