74 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena
to mixing have ceased, and that hydrostatic equilibrium is attained; however, an
inhomogeneity can persist in the concentration (this can be observed by differences
in color for example). This indicates that the phenomenon is an extremely slow
function of time. This migration of the components with respect to one another
constitutes a phenomenon known as material diffusion which is characterized by the
fact all of the components of a mixture do not have exactly the same speed, and
these differences lead to variations in the composition of the mixture.
The molecular velocity of a body of given chemical species which makes up a
mixture is thus engendered by two causes: the diffusion and the bulk movement of
the mixture (convection). The separation of these two causes must be very carefully
considered, as the bulk movement results from the behavior of all of the
constituents. Interactions between the two kinds of phenomena (convection and
diffusion) are encountered in all mixing processes with or without chemical
reactions (for example, sugar, which dissolves in coffee). Microscopic interpretation of diffusion
This difference in the behavior of the two components is obviously related to
molecular agitation, which leads to a macroscopic displacement and is different for
the two components. The molecular agitation can be directly visible under certain
conditions in the presence of very small particles (in the order of a few micrometers)
in suspension in a fluid. Examined under a microscope these particles present erratic
behavior: this is known as Brownian movement, which is a macroscopic
manifestation of molecular agitation. These movements obey diffusion equations.
Let us consider two molecular species (black and white molecules in Figure
2.9a). By supposing that the two categories of molecules have the same energy (in
other words the same temperature), each molecular species moves as a result of
collisions. These collisions have a random character; for a resting gas made up of
one or many species of molecule, uniformly distributed, we see that the molecules
are statistically stationary, because each species only permutes between themselves.
During collisions and molecular interactions in the volume shown in Figure 2.9a,
there are more black (or respectively white) molecules at the bottom (or at the top),
but they will end up uniformly distributed in the container considered. The statistical
aspects of the second principle of thermodynamics leads to a complete mixing of the
two species, whose concentrations become uniform.
However, in this container, where the pressure is supposed constant, the total
molar concentration remains constant at all points, with the species whose
concentration decreases being replaced by the other species whose concentration
increases. This pressure constraint leads to a relation between migrations of the two