1-12 Biomechanics
dentin in the calculations suggests that dry human dentin is very nearly elastically isotropic. This isotropic-
like behavior of the dry dentin may have clinical significance. There is independent experimental evidence
to support this calculation of isotropy based on the ultrasonic data. Small angle x-ray diffraction of human
dentin yielded results implying isotropy near the pulp and mild anisotropy in mid-dentin [Kinney et al.,
It is interesting to note that haversian bones, whether human or bovine, have both their compressive
and shear anisotropy factors considerably lower than the respective values for plexiform bone. Thus, not
only is plexiform bone both stiffer and more rigid than haversian bone, it is also more anisotropic. These
two scalar anisotropy quantities also provide a means of assessing whether there is the possibility either of
systematic errors in the measurements or artifacts in the modeling of the elastic properties of hard tissues.
This is determined when the values of Ac
(%) and/or As
(%) are much greater than the close range of
lower values obtained by calculations on a variety of different ultrasonic measurements (Table 1.5). A
possible example of this is the value of As
(%) = 7.88 calculated from the mechanical testing data of
Knets [1978], Table 1.2.
1.5 Modeling Elastic Behavior
Currey [1964] first presented some preliminary ideas of modeling bone as a composite material composed
of a simple linear superposition of collagen and Ap. He followed this later [1969] with an attempt to take
intoaccounttheorientation oftheApcrystallitesusing a modelproposedbyCox [1952] forfiber-reinforced
composites. Katz [1971a] and Piekarski [1973] independently showed that the use of Voigt and Reuss or
even Hashin–Shtrikman [1963] composite modeling showed the limitations of using linear combinations
of either elastic moduli or elastic compliances. The failure of all these early models could be traced to
the fact that they were based only on considerations of material properties. This is comparable to trying
to determine the properties of an Eiffel Tower built using a composite material by simply modeling the
composite material properties without considering void spaces and the interconnectivity of the structure
[Lakes, 1993]. In neither case is the complexity of the structural organization involved. This consideration
of hierarchical organization clearly must be introduced into the modeling.
Katz in a number of papers [1971b, 1976] and meeting presentations put forth the hypothesis that
haversian bone should be modeled as a hierarchical composite, eventually adapting a hollow fiber com-
posite model by Hashin and Rosen [1964]. Bonfield and Grynpas [1977] used extensional (longitudinal)
ultrasonic wave propagation in both wet and dry bovine femoral cortical bone specimens oriented at
angles of 5, 10, 20, 40, 50, 70, 80, and 85
with respect to the long bone axis. They compared their exper-
imental results for Young’s moduli with the theoretical curve predicted by Currey’s model [1969]; this is
shown in Figure 1.7. The lack of agreement led them to “conclude, therefore that an alternative model is
required to account for the dependence of Young’s modulus on orientation” [Bonfield and Grynpas, 1977].
Katz [1980, 1981], applying his hierarchical material-structure composite model, showed that the data in
Figure 1.7 could be explained by considering different amounts of Ap crystallites aligned parallel to the
long bone axis; this is shown in Figure 1.8. This early attempt at hierarchical micromechanical modeling
is now being extended with more sophisticated modeling using either finite-element micromechanical
computations [Hogan, 1992] or homogenization theory [Crolet et al., 1993]. Further improvements will
come by including more definitive information on the structural organization of collagen and Ap at the
molecular-ultrastructural level [Wagner and Weiner, 1992; Weiner and Traub, 1989].
1.6 Viscoelastic Properties
As stated earlier, bone (along with all other biologic tissues) is a viscoelastic material. Clearly, for such
materials, Hooke’s law for linear elastic materials must be replaced by a constitutive equation that includes
the time dependency of the material properties. The behavior of an anisotropic linear viscoelastic material