Index I-13
force-velocity relationships, 2-11
morphology, 2-4
and muscle contraction, 2-5 to 6
normalization of muscle and fiber length, 2-11
Scintigraphy, vein capacitance measurement,
Screw displacement axis, 3-1
Semicircular canals, 18-9 to 11, 18-12
distributed parameter model, 18-9 to 10
frequency response, 18-10 to 11, 18-12
structure and function, 18-1, 18-2
Septum, ventricular hemodynamics, 8-12
Series elasticity, muscle models, 2-10
Servo-null method, microcirculatory blood pressure
measurement, 13-2
Severity indices, head and neck injury, 6-5, 6-7
Shear deformation, red cell membrane, 14-4 to 5
Shear modulus
bone, 1-8
membrane, 14-3, 14-4, 14-11; 16-2 to 3
Shear rate, cell adhesion, 16-6 to 7
Shear strain
cardiac muscle, resting, 8-17, 8-18
chest and abdomen impacts, 7-2
head and neck injury
head, 6-2
neck, 6-7
microvascular blood flow, 13-6
Shear stress
endothelial remodeling after, 16-11
vasomotor responses, 13-10
Shoulder joint motion, 3-16 to 19
axes of rotation, 3-19, 3
-20, 3-21, 3-22
geometry of articulating surfaces, 3-16, 3-17
joint contact, 3-17 to 18
Signaling, cell models, 16-11
Single capillary cannulation method, capillary transport
studies, 13-2
Sinuses, heart and blood vessels, 9-2 to 3
Sinus of Valsalva, 9-2 to 3
Skeletal muscle
blood flow, local regulation, 13-9 to 10
cell models, rolling and adhesion, 16-4 to 5
electromyography, 5-2, 5-5, 5-10
exercise biomechanics, factors effecting mechanical
work, 20-1 to 9
age, 20-6 to 7
equilibrium, 20-1 to 2
gender, 20-8
genetics, 20-8 to 9
locomotion, 20-5 to 6
muscular movement, 20-3 to 4
exercise physiology, 19-1 to 9
cardiovascular system signaling, 19-3
lymph flow rates, 15-11
microcirculation, 13-8
musculoskeletal soft tissue mechanics
material properties, 2-5 to 6
modeling, 2-10 to 12
structure, 2-3 to 4
nitric oxide synthase in, 13-8
oxygen and tissue metabolism, 13-6 to 7
pump function
hemodynamics, 12-1 to 2
lymphatic transport, 15-3, 15-4
see Head and neck mechanics
Sliding motion, joint, 3-2
Smooth muscle, vascular
anatomy, 11-2
arterial wall structure, 10-2
and blood volume redistribution, 12-5 to 6
contraction/relaxation, 12-1
lymphatic networks, 15-6
mechanoelectrical transduction, 16-11
microvascular hemodynamics
blood flow mechanics, 13-9
nitric oxide synthase in, 13-8
oxygen and tissue metabolism, 13-6 to 7
remodeling, 13-10 to 11
wall mechanics, 13-3 to 4
nitric oxide and, 13-7
Soft tissue injury, chest and abdomen impacts,
7-1 to 2
Soft tissue mechanics, musculoskeletal,
see Musculoskeletal soft tissue mechanics
Solid-type behavior, cell constitutive relations, 16-2
Solutes, transport in microcirculation, 13-8 to 9
Specific tension, skeletal muscle, 2-6
Speed of deformation, torso, 7-1
Speed of impact, see Loading conditions
Sphericity, 14-11
Spinal cord injury, cervical, 6-10
cervical, head and neck injury, 6-10, 6-11: see also
Head and neck mechanics
chest and abdomen impacts, 7-3, 7-4
Spinning motion, joint, 3-2
Spongiosa, aortic valve, 9-1
Spongy (cancellous) bone, 1-2, 1-8 to 9, 1-16
Spring model, cell adhesion, 16-7
Squeeze-film lubrication, 4-8,
4-9, 4-20
Standards, safety, 6-5, 6-10
Starling-Landis equation, 15-2
Starling pressures, lymphatic transport, 15-2 to 3, 15-4
Starling’s law, 13-8, 13-11
Starling’s law of the heart, 8-11; 19-4
State diagram for cell adhesion, 16-5 to 7
Stereophotogrammetric methods, mechanical response
of brain, 6-4
bone, 1-1, 1-4 to 5
cardiac muscle, resting, 8-17
cartilage, 2-4
chest and abdomen impacts, 7-7 to 8
cochlea, 17-3
Storage modulus, 1-15
Strain energy density function, blood vessel,
11-6 to 12
anisotropic vessels, 11-10 to 12
isotropic vessels, 11-7 to 9, 11-10
Strain-energy functions, cardiac muscle, 8-16 to 17
Strain gauges, heart, 8-18