a. p. pavlov
then onwards there was strife and rivalry between the Godunovs and the
Romanovs. This was not a conflict over different directions in policy, but a
struggle for power and for the throne between two mighty boyar clans. Like
the Godunovs, the Romanovs exercised an exceptional degree of influence at
court, but the latter’srolewasprimarilythatofhonouredcourtiers, and it could
not be compared with the Godunovs’ role in governance. Boris Godunov pos-
sessed real power. He was able to count on the support of a significant number
of members of the boyar duma and the sovereign’s court, the secretarial appa-
ratus, the influential clergy and the merchant elite, and this is whatguaranteed
his success in the contest for the throne.
On 7 January 1598 Tsar Fedor died. After the expiry of the forty-day period
of mourning, an Assembly of the Land was convened in Moscow, and on 21
February it elected Boris Godunov as tsar. The traditional view among histo-
rians was that the assembly was stacked with Godunov’s supporters and that
his election was a ‘farce’ played out to a pre-written script.
V. O. Kliuchevskii,
however, studied the signatureson the maindocument produced bythe assem-
bly – the confirmatory charter – and concluded that the elective assembly of
1598 was entirely conventional in its composition. If there had been some kind
of campaigning in favour of Boris, Kliuchevskii commented, it had not altered
the composition of the Assembly of the Land.
In the more recent historiog-
raphy there are various views about the authenticity and completeness of the
signatures on the surviving copies of the confirmatory charter, and about the
actual membership of the assembly.
We have no reason to doubt, however,
that an electoral Assembly of the Land did in fact convene in February 1598 and
legitimatelyelect Boris Godunov as tsar.
What was considered illegitimate by
contemporaries of the Time of Troubles was not the ‘juridical’ but the ‘moral’
aspect of Boris Godunov’s election – a ‘saint-killer’ (the person responsible
for the death of Tsarevich Dmitrii) could not be a ‘true’ tsar. As far as the
assembly of 1598 itself is concerned, the writers of the Time of Troubles did
28 See e.g. V. N. Latkin, Zemskie sobory drevnei Rusi (St Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo L. F. Pan-
teleeva, 1885), pp. 94–5.
29 V. O. Kliuchevskii, ‘Sostav predstavitel’stva na zemskikh soborakh drevnei Rusi’, in his
Sochineniia, 8 vols. (Moscow: Izdatel’stvo sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoi literatury, 1956–9),
vol. viii (1959), pp. 59–61.
30 S. P. Mordovina, ‘Kharakter dvorianskogo predstavitel’stva na zemskom sobore 1598 g.’,
VI, 1971,no.2: 55–63; L.V. Cherepnin, Zemskie sobory Russkogo gosudarstva v XVI–XVII vv.
(Moscow: Nauka, 1978), p. 146; R. G. Skrynnikov, ‘Zemskii sobor 1598 goda i izbranie
Borisa Godunova na tron’, Istoriia SSSR, 1977,no.3: 141–57; Zimin, V kanun groznykh
31 A.P.Pavlov,‘Sobornaiautverzhdennaiagramota ob izbraniiBorisa Godunova naprestol’,
Vspomogatel’nye istoricheskie distsipliny 10 (1978): 206–25.
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