n X- rays
An electromagnetic wave with a short wavelength created when electrons hit a
solid target at high speed. X-rays penetrate any body which is opaque.
n X11 Color Set
One of the many sets of colours used in designing websites for the Internet. There
are many different syntaxes and methodologies used to represent colour including
the 16 VGA colours (aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, green, grey, lime, maroon, navy,
olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white and yellow) the 216 colours of the ‘Color-
Safe Palette’, the 4096 colours of ‘#RGB’, the 16, 777, 216 colours using the syntax
‘#RRGGBB’ and the 140 colours in the X11 Color Set all of which are included
in this Dictionary. Palm, the computer manufacturer was sued in August 2002
by purchasers of its handheld m130 PDA (personal digital assistant) because,
though marketed as capable of supporting 65,000 colours, in fact it can handle
only 4,096!
n xanthein
One of the constituent parts of the pigment in yellow flowers.
n xanthene
A yellow compound found in some dyes, in particular, rhodamine.
a xanthic
Yellow; particularly used in the descriptive word of flowers.