purple; born to the
Born into a wealthy or influential family in reference to the purple robes favoured by
the nobility in ancient times; also expressed as ‘porphyry-born’. Also ‘to accede, or be
promoted to, the purple’ meaning to achieve high office.
purple patch; to go through a
To experience a period when everything goes well. See purple prose in the main
rainbow; the end of the (the rainbow’s end)
Great wealth; alluding to the saying that a crock of gold can there be found.
rainbows; to chase
To seek impossible goals.
red alert; to be on
To be prepared for any kind of danger. See red alert in main Dictionary.
red as a beetroot; to be (go) as
To go red in the face usually as a result of embarrassment or shyness.
red carpet treatment; to get
To get special treatment and hospitality in reference to the red carpet traditionally rolled
out for important or distinguished visitors. Just why the carpet has to be red is not
easy to find. The phrase is probably of 20th century origin.
red cent; not to have a
US phrase meaning to be without any money in reference to the coin of the lowest
denomination, the dime. Also ‘not worth a red cent’.
red-faced; to be
To be embarrassed or ashamed – in reference to the blushing reflex.
red-handed; to catch someone
To catch someone in the act of committing a crime or indiscretion; an allusion to finding
someone with blood on his hands at the scene of a crime of violence. Willard R. Espy’s
‘Words To Rhyme With’, Macmillan, 1986, refers to Rudy Ondrijka’s fun word ‘dishpano-
phobia’ – the fear of being caught red-handed’!