shot in the dark; to take a
To make a wild guess without any background information for guidance.
silver lining; every cloud has a
A cliché suggesting that out of adversity will eventually come good or that there is
hope even in the direst of situations.
silver spoon in one’s mouth; to be born with a
Referring to someone from a very wealthy or aristocratic family; perhaps originating
from the custom of giving spoons as christening presents.
silver tongue; to have a
To be an eloquent speaker.
spotlight; to be in the
To be the subject of particular attention.
tarred with the same brush; to be
To share the same fault; to be subject to the same accusation as another.
technicolour yawn
An Australian expression for the process of vomiting.
white as a sheet (snow) (chalk); to be (go)
To go white in the face as a result of fear or illness.
white bread
A disparaging US slang expression referring to the mediocracy of the white middle
white chief; the big
The leader or most important person in a particular group or organisation.
white feather; to show the
To show cowardice; originating from cockfighting where a white tail feather would
indicate a cock not of a top fighting breed and thus lacking the fighting spirit.