n white card
A card with a computer chip containing personal details of the owner and to
which electronic data can be downloaded.
n White Coat Rule
The banning by the Federal Trade Commission in the US of advertisements
portraying doctors in white laboratory coats who are really actors.
n white-collar worker
A person involved in some managerial or office orientated job as opposed to
manual workers. See blue-collar.
n whited sepulchre
An evil person who pretends to be good; a sham; a hypocritical person. A biblical
term originating in Matthew xxiii: 27.
n white dwarf
A small star at the end of its life depleted of nuclear fuel and having collapsed
into an extremely dense mass.
n white elephant
An item expensive to maintain, difficult to get rid of or of little use or benefit to
its owner – or any combination thereof. In reference to Thai kings who made
gifts of white elephants the cost of the upkeep of which was intended to ruin
the recipient. Thailand, which reveres white elephants, has tried to clone a
magnificent deceased specimen in view of their rarity. Apparently, white elephants
are never completely white, however, Thai tradition requires that elephants to
qualify as white elephants, must have white eyes, white toenails and white genitalia
as well as the palest of skins.
n White Ensign
The flag used by the Royal Navy. It has a red cross on a white background and
the Union Jack in the corner.
n white feather
A symbol of cowardice in reference to cockfighting where cocks with white feathers
were supposed to be poor fighters.
n white finger
A condition caused by the persistent use of drills and pneumatic equipment.