Rodriguez et al. [7-130] modified titanium surfaces by anodization in a mixed
electrolyte of calcium glycerophosphate and calcium acetate. Hydrothermal
treatments were performed on two of the anodized groups for either 2 or 4 h. In
vitro osteoblast response to anodized oxide and the hydrothermal-treated oxide
after anodization was evaluated. It was found that (i) calcium and phosphorus
ions were deposited on the Ti oxide during anodization, (ii) anodized surfaces
following a 4-h hydrothermal treatment were observed to promote the growth of
apatite-like crystals, as compared with anodized surfaces after a 2-h hydrother-
mal treatment, (iii) cellular function and onset of mineralization, as indicated by
protein production and osteocalcin production, respectively, were also observed
as enhanced on hydrothermal-treated surfaces. It was thus concluded that cal-
cium phosphate and apatite-like crystals could be deposited on Ti surfaces using
anodization and a combination of anodization and hydrothermal treatment, and
the phenotypic expression of an osteoblast was enhanced by the presence of cal-
cium phosphate or apatite-like crystals on anodized or hydrothermally treated Ti
surfaces [7-130].
The topographic effects of hydroxyapatite (HA) and titanium (Ti) surfaces hav-
ing identical micropatterns were determined as to whether there was synergistic
interaction between surface chemistry and surface topography. Surface
microgrooves with six different groove widths (4, 8, 16, 24, 30, and 38 m) and
three different groove depths (2, 4, and 10 m) were made on single crystalline sil-
icon wafers using microfabrication techniques. Ti and HA thin films were coated
on the microgrooves by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, followed by seed-
ing human osteoblast-like cells and culturing on the microgrooved surfaces for up
to 7 days. It was reported that (i) contact guidance and cell shape changes were
observed on the HA and Ti microgrooves, and (ii) no difference in orientation
angle between HA and Ti microgrooves was found, suggesting that surface chem-
istry was not a significant influence on cell guidance [7-131].
The homogeneous deposition of calcium phosphate (Ca-P) can be coated on
porous implants by immersion in simulated physiologic solution. In addition, various
Ca-P phases, such as octacalcium phosphate or bone-like carbonated apatite, can be
applied. Barrère et al. [7-132] conducted experiments (1) to investigate the osteoin-
duction of octacalcium phosphate-coated and noncoated porous tantalum cylinders,
and of dense titanium alloy cylinders (5 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length) in the
back muscle of goats at 12 and 24 weeks, and (2) to compare the osteogenic poten-
tials of bone-like carbonated apatite-coated, octacalcium phosphate-coated, and bare
porous tantalum cylinders in a gap of 1 mm created in the femoral condyle of a goat
at 12 weeks. It was found that (i) in the goat muscle, after 12 weeks, the octacalium
phosphate-coated porous cylinder had induced ectopic bone, as well as bone within
the cavity of the octacalcium phosphate-coated dense titanium cylinder, (ii) in the
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