78 Classification of form and decoration
make mistakes. Nevertheless, an educated guess may well be perfectly accept,
able, so long as the potsherds are retained for further study.
A traditional way of presenting the variation in pottery forms is as a
type-series, in which each type-example represents a group of vessels which
are considered to be more-or-less 'the same' in shape. It is best to work
the more complete to the less complete, basing your type-definitions on the
most complete vessels available (which may well come from museum collec-
tions rather than excavations) and then matching less complete examples to
them, or using them to 'fill gaps'. A type-series should be capable of expan-
sion, as we cannot expect to have found examples of all possible types.
Form type-series can be divided into two classes, the unstructured and the
structured. The unstructured way to proceed is to start with the first example
and call it Type One. The next is compared with it and if different is made
Type Two. This method continues until the whole collection has been
studied. It has the advantage of extreme simplicity, and you can start with
small amount of material and increase the size of your type-series as more
pottery comes to hand, perhaps from ongoing excavations. The disadvantage
is that as the type-series becomes larger you will find it more and more
difficult to retrieve information from it - to find out, for example, whether
there is a type that matches the pot in your hand. You will probably find
yourself searching many irrelevant drawings looking for the 'right' one.
This problem suggests that a more structured method might be more
in the long run, although requiring more initial input. A common approach
(for example as at Southwark, see Marsh and Tyers 1978) would be to divide
the pottery first into broad functional classes (p. 217) (for example
1 =
flagons, II = jars, III = bowls, and so on). You can then subdivide each class
into broad groupings based on shape, style or whatever attributes you think
appropriate (for example II.A = , II.B m , and so on). Finally you
can number individual types within a group sequentially (for example II.A. 1,
II.B.2, and so on). This keeps the system open-ended, but you only have to
search the parts that are relevant to the new pot in your hand. The dis-
advantages are that you will have to start with a large collection of material
order to form classes that will be reasonably stable as fresh material comes
light. Otherwise you will find that you have put a group in the 'wrong' class
because the early examples were not representative, and you will have to
revise the whole structure. Also, sooner or later, you will encounter the
'continuum' problem that we saw with fabric type-series - the gap between
two apparently distinct types will become filled with a continuum of inter-
mediate types, and it will be not at all clear where you should draw the
boundary. One solution is to abandon the hierarchical nature of your struc-
ture, and allow one type to belong to two groups, or one group to two classes.
You may feel this is anathema to your feelings of tidiness and organisation,
but it is perfectly sound and may reflect the complexity of the series better