Moet ik dat doen? Nee, dat hoef je niet te doen.
Do I have to do that? No, you don’t have to do that.
Moeten we onze atlassen meebrengen? Nee, jullie hoeven je atlassen
niet mee te brengen.
Do we have to bring our atlasses? No, you don’t have to bring your
The present perfect of verbs with te
Most of the infinitives with te form their present perfect with the past
participle of the verb and the infinitive construction at the end of the sen-
tence (1 and 2). Some verbs, on the other hand, form the present perfect
with an auxiliary and two infinitives. Sometimes, te is optional (3 and 4).
Some verbs form the present perfect both ways (5 and 6).
1 beginnen: Erik is begonnen te werken. Erik has started to
2 verbieden: Ik heb je verboden hier te roken. I forbade you to
smoke here.
3 durven: Ik heb het niet durven (te) doen. I didn’t dare to do it.
4 hoeven: Ik heb het niet hoeven (te) doen. I didn’t have to do it.
5 proberen: Ik heb geprobeerd hem te helpen. I tried to help him.
6 proberen: Ik heb hem proberen te helpen. I tried to help him.
Infinitive constructions with om...te...
Infinitive constructions with om...te...are used in the following situations:
1 when there is a clear sense of purpose, a goal, a reason why something
happens or why someone does something; 2 to express the function
of an object, the reason why it is used, and 3 after an adjective with te,
for example te groot ‘too big’.
1 Ik ga naar de bakker om brood te kopen.
I go to the bakery to buy bread.
2 Dit glas is om witte wijn uit te drinken.
This glass is for drinking white wine.
3 Die tas is te zwaar om te dragen.
That bag is too heavy to carry.
of verbs
with te