supplier from appointing more than one distributor
or representative in the same territory. Colombia
presumes that a sales agent’s appointment is exclu-
sive unless the agreement specifically states that the
appointment is a nonexclusive one.
It may not be easy to terminate a representation
agreement. Based on the assumption that an agent
or distributor often invests considerable effort and
money to develop the local market for the princi-
pal, many countries have enacted agency termi-
nation laws to protect the interests of agents and
distributors. Such laws have a tendency to penalize
unilaterally foreign principals that have terminated
the agency relationships.These laws often forbid a
manufacturer from terminating its relationships
with even incompetent channel members without a
lengthy notice in advance or without an expensive
settlement. For example, without just cause, Bolivia
may not allow a principal’s product to enter the
country. In Abu Dhabi, an agent with a compensa-
tion claim pending can legally prevent the importa-
tion of the former principal’s products.
Despite some variations, contract termination
laws of various countries have several common char-
acteristics. First, these laws are constructed in such
a way that they provide the agent with considerable
leverage. The principal can terminate or refuse to
extend an agency agreement without being penal-
ized economically only upon a showing of just cause.
For example,the reasons and situations under which
the agreement may be validly terminated in Chile
are: (1) expiration of the contract term, (2) agent’s
resignation, (3) death, (4) bankruptcy or insolvency
of either party, (5) legal incompetence of either
party, (6) marriage of a woman agent, and (7) ter-
mination of the functions of the principal, if the
agency was based on the exercise of such functions.
Second, the principal is obliged to compensate
the agent when the relationship is terminated
without just cause. If a fixed-term contract has run
for more than one year, Mexico sets the compensa-
tion at the value of six months’ remuneration plus
twenty days’ remuneration for every year of service
after the first year. In Austria, the damage payment
may amount to between one year’s and fifteen years’
average commission. Puerto Rico’s required com-
pensation in the event of unjust termination can be
excessive, since it includes (1) actual value of
expenses incurred by the agent in setting up and
running the business, (2) value of the agent’s inven-
tories and stock, (3) loss of the agent’s profits, and
(4) value of the agent’s goodwill.The agent may also
claim an amount equal to the agent’s profit experi-
ence for the previous five years or five times the
average annual profit.
Third, the compensation and other rights
granted to the agent may not be waived in some
countries. Sweden, for instance, does not allow the
agent to waive the termination notice requirements.
Fourth, the agency contract may not allow the
parties to elect another country’s law to govern
the contract. Bolivia voids choice-of-law clauses
since Bolivian law is the sole applicable law.
Fifth, the agent may be considered as an
employee of the principal and is thus entitled to the
protection of local labor laws concerning dismissal
and compensation.The compensation may take the
form of a pension.
Sixth, the principal may be required to give
notice prior to termination, and the agent may have
the right to contest the termination decisions.
Sweden stipulates that the notice term be three
months when an indefinite-term agreement has
been in effect for at least one year. In Switzerland,
the law requires a two-month minimum period
for termination notice after the first year, and the
termination can be effective only at the end of each
calendar quarter.
To minimize risk and problems, the principal
should carefully structure the representation agree-
ment. In general, certain contract terms must be
included. The written contract should identify the
parties and their rights and obligations. A time
period during which the agreement will be in effect
should be stated.When legally permissible, the con-
tract should specify the jurisdiction to handle legal
disputes. Arbitration clauses specifying the arbitra-
tion body should be included.To avoid ambiguity, it
is highly advisable to have an English version that
is expressly allowed to prevail.