there is a question of whether anything can be done
to rectify the situation.When Canon stopped ship-
ments to the Netherlands, Dutch dealers simply
imported Canon cameras from Germany instead.
Furthermore, any overt and concerted action
against gray market dealers may be construed as
an illegal restraint of domestic and international
commerce. Another strategy involves educating
consumers. Minolta ran advertisements to inform
consumers that gray market cameras have inferior
warranty.This strategy is risky because the message
implies that something is wrong with the manufac-
turer’s own products.
The most effective way to eliminate the gray
market is to eliminate the cause–price discrepancy
between markets. Price matching can put gray
retailers out of business overnight, but this method
requires the manufacturer to reduce prices in the
most profitable markets.Another problem with this
strategy is that it adversely affects the product’s
prestige image and brand value. Certain brands are
successful due to their snob and exclusivity appeal,
and they have to be promoted as luxury articles that
must be expensive. In the case of automobiles, price
cutting would disrupt both insurance rates and
resale values, creating a peculiar situation by making
new cars less expensive than used ones.
To resolve some of the problems pointed out
above, the strategy of product differentiation should
be used. Porsche makes its cars for the US market
more powerful and better equipped in order to
reflect the higher price.The assumption here is that
the differences in features are noticeable and justify
the price differential. Multiple brands may also be
employed for the same product, with each brand
assigned to a certain market. Like other strategies,
however, the use of multiple brands affects the
economies of scale and increases the production,
inventory, and marketing costs.
One study uses the gray market activity as an
independent variable, and strategic export perform-
ance and economic export performance as the
dependent variables. Gray marketing does not hurt
exporters’ economic performance much because
it also generates sales of its own. However, gray
marketing interferes with exporters’ efforts to
achieve their strategic goals. Contrary to traditional
thinking, foreign currency and inflation rate fluctu-
ations do not appear to spur gray marketing.
Likewise, it is often assumed that a company’s expo-
sure to overseas markets should give it internal skills
to create an organizational environment that is
capable of combating gray marketing. However,
according to the empirical evidence, a company’s
international experience and the number of its
markets have insignificant relationships with unau-
thorized imports. On the other hand, the low level
of gray marketing is associated with distribution
control, integrated channels, centralization, and
product standardization.
Services, like products, also need distribution. As
such, service providers need to design their distri-
bution channels.The various determinants and deci-
sions discussed above should apply to the marketing
of services as well.
In general, services can be exported through four
distinct modes: cross-border, consumption abroad,
commercial presence, and movement of person-
The first mode is cross-border. This mode
occurs when neither the producer nor the consumer
physically moves. Instead the services are provided
through a common channel such as the Internet.
Education and training (i.e. distance learning), and
professional services such as accounting are typical
cross-border supply services.
Consumption abroad is the second mode. It takes
place when the consumer/buyer is in the supplier’s
country.Tourism is a good example of this mode of
Commercial presence, as the third mode, occurs
when the supplier establishes a local office in the
country where the service is to be provided.Typical
services that employ this mode include financial and
consulting services.
Finally, movement of personnel consists of staff of
the service company moving to the country where
the service export is provided.Temporary ventures,