independence of patents 144
independent line 393
inflation 486–9
infringement 143
insurance 394, 407
intellectual property 139–48, 308–43
Inter-American Convention 144
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, see
World Bank
international marketing 3–5, 15–17; benefits 15–17;
definition 3; dimensions 4–5; process 3–4
international product life cycle (IPLC) 279–85
international trade 23–32
internationalization process 15
Internet 452–3
J curve 558
joint ventures 252–4
jurisdiction 125–8
keiretsu 73
language 160–7
least dependent person hypothesis 318
legal environment 121–52
legal form of organization 128
legal systems 124–5
Leontief Paradox 34
letter of credit 511–188
LIBOR (London Interbank Rate) 106
licensing 248–52
litigation 131–2
Madrid Convention 144, 330
magazine 447–9
Maghreb Economic Community 41
management contract 252
manufacturing strategy 254–7
marine cargo insurance 394
market entry strategies 243–71, 302; acquisition 260–2;
analysis 263–5; assembly operations 257–60; exporting
246–8; joint venture 252–4; licensing 248–52;
management contract 252; manufacturing 254–7; turnkey
operations 260
market segmentation 277–8
marketing information system 232–7
marketing research 214–32; data collection methods 222–4;
measurement 224–32; primary data 218–20; primary
research 218–20; sampling 220–2; secondary data 216–8;
secondary research 216–8
media 443–55
merchant 348
Mercosur 41
metric system 291
MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency) 114,
mixed credit 534
modes of transportation 388–93
monetary union 42–4
money 551–2
money laundering 36
most favored nation (MFN) 74
motivation 418–9
Multifiber Arrangement 71, 75
multinational corporations 7–15; behavioral definition 12–15;
performance definition 12; pros and cons 7, 9; size
definition 9–10; structural definition 10, 12
Myers-Briggs Type Inventory 193
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) 40–1,
national character 193–7
national treatment 63–4
nationalization 100
negotiation 418
new product development 275–7
New York Convention 126
newspaper 445–7
nontariff barriers 62–73
nonverbal language 167–78
NTR (normal trade relations) 74
observation 222–3
OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development) 41, 134, 217, 492
offset 500
OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation) 113
opinion leadership 206
options 567–71
orderly marketing arrangements (OMAs) 71
outdoor 452
packaging 336–8; mandatory modification 336–7; optional
modification 337–8
packing 394–8
Paris Convention 330
Paris Union 144
patent 141–2
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) 144
payment methods 507–18
personal selling 416–22
physical distribution 386–412; cargo insurance 394; modes of
transportation 388–93; and packing 394–8
political environment 84–120