miles. They may be located at airports, in harbor
areas, or within the interior of a country (e.g., Salt
Lake City). In addition to the FTZs (general-
purpose zones), there are also subzones throughout
the USA. Subzones are special-purpose facilities for
companies unable to operate effectively at public
zone sites.
One popular misconception about FTZs is that
they are used basically for warehousing. Although
goods may be stored for an unlimited length of time
in an FTZ, any gain from doing so is small when
compared to the alternative of a bonded warehouse,
which allows temporary storage without duty.
Actually, the future of FTZs lies in manufacturing
(product manipulation), not storing.
FTZs offer several important benefits, both for
the country and for companies using them. One
benefit is job retention and creation. When better
facilities and grants are provided to attract MNCs,
FTZs can generate foreign investment and jobs. For
example, in Buffalo, New York, FTZ was able to
attract a Canadian automobile assembly operation
and a Japanese camera importer to establish opera-
tions there. China has set up Special Economic
Zones (SEZs) for manufacturing, banking, export-
ing and importing, and foreign investment. These
SEZs provide a more liberal environment than that
of the rest of the country. SEZs, when compared to
the rest of China, are unique in the sense that they
enjoy considerable administrative autonomy and
they offer numerous economic incentives.
Some countries, due to political reasons, are not
able to open up their economies completely. Instead
they have set up export processing zones,a
special type of FTZ, in order to attract foreign
capital for manufacturing for export. However, for
export processing zones to be effective, exporters
should not be isolated from other firms.
There is evidence that manufacturers take free
trade zones into account when selecting a site for
their foreign operations. Plant location is related
positively to size of free trade zones, per capita
GNP, exchange rate devaluation, length of income
tax holidays, political stability, and manufacturing
concentration. On the other hand, the location of
export-oriented manufacturing investment is
related negatively to wage rate, inflation rate, trans-
portation cost, and profit repatriation restrictions.
The benefits of FTZ use are numerous. Some of
these benefits are country-specific in the sense that
some countries offer superior facilities for lower
costs (e.g., utilities and telecommunications). Other
benefits are zone-specific in that certain zones may
be better than others within the same country in
terms of tax and transportation facilities. Finally,
there are zone-related benefits that constitute
general advantages in using an FTZ. Some of the
zone-related benefits are: lower theft rate, lower
insurance costs, delay of tax payment, and reduction
of inventory in transit.
FTZs provide a means to facilitate imports.
Imported merchandise can be sent into FTZs
without formal customs entry and duty payment
until some later date. Both foreign and domestic
goods may be moved into FTZs and remain there
for storage, assembling, manufacturing, packaging,
and other processing operations. Goods that were
improperly marked or cannot meet standards for
clearance can be remarked and salvaged. Moreover,
goods can be cleaned, mixed, and used in the man-
ufacturing of other products. One Swiss cosmetics
company imports in bulk and employs US labor to
repackage its goods for retailing. In fact, importers
can even display and exhibit merchandise and take
orders in FTZs without securing a bond. For retail-
ers, benefits derived by using FTZs include the
sorting, labeling, and storing of imports.
FTZs not only facilitate imports but also facili-
tate export and re-export, though the gain from this
practice is small when compared to the alternatives
of duty drawback and temporary import bond.
However, domestic goods can be taken into an FTZ
and are then returned free of quotas and duty, even
when they have been combined with other articles
while inside the zone. Sears uses the New Orleans
FTZ to inspect foreign cameras it subsequently
ships to Latin America. Seiko Time Corporation of
America opened a 200,000-square-foot facility in
the New Jersey FTZ to store and ship watches to
Canada and Latin America. One European medical