392 Fluorine in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology
acids interact with their naturally occurring counterparts. However systematic approaches
toward this goal have been published only very recently [9] . Numerous attempts at inves-
tigating the interactions of comparably small nonpeptidic organic molecules with enzymes
indicate that, in addition to the hydrophobicity of fl uoroalkyl groups, their polarity also
plays an important role [10 – 14] . Polar interactions of carbon bound fl uorine were shown
to induce a favorable binding of a potential inhibitor to the thrombin active site [13] .
Moreover, fl uorine - induced polarity may result in disadvantageous, inverse fl uorous effects
such as a decrease in lipophilicity [10, 15] . Regarding polar interactions of fl uorine, it is
also important to note that fl uorine scientists have not yet fully agreed on whether carbon -
bound fl uorine may accept hydrogen bonds, especially from the functional groups of pro-
teins [16] . Accordingly, to this day, there is no consistent opinion on fl uorine ’ s behavior
as a nonnative “ functional group ” in amino acid side - chains. Such a specifi cation, however,
would be the most important precondition for enabling a directed application of fl uorine ’ s
unique properties in the engineering of peptides and proteins and their interactions with
one another.
Scientifi c approaches that attempt to rationalize fl uorine ’ s effects on the interaction
of polypeptides with native proteins usually rely on model systems with a precisely defi ned
interaction pattern that mimics a native environment. With the objective of unraveling the
effects of even single fl uorine substitutions, the structural homogeneity and stability of
such models are indispensable prerequisites. It is also very important that the chosen model
system and its analogues are easy to synthesize. Although successful attempts at incorpo-
rating fl uorinated amino acids by diverse protein expression methods have been reported
[17, 18] , most synthetic strategies for peptides bearing nonnatural substitutions rely on
solid - phase peptide synthesis (SPPS). While linear SPPS is restricted by the achievability
of long sequences [19] , convergent synthetic routes applying various peptide ligation
methods [20] as well as expressed protein ligation [21] pave the way to large modifi ed
proteins. Nevertheless, fast synthetic approaches are desirable for the synthesis of a broad
variety of different modifi ed peptides. In addition, comparably small model systems allow
for a more comprehensive interpretation of experimental data. Consequently, model
systems are often signifi cantly smaller than natural proteins and, thus, have to be very
carefully designed to effi ciently mimic a natural protein environment. In this respect, α -
helical coiled coil peptides have greatly gained in importance in recent years [7] . Coiled
coils are ubiquitous small proteins that show broad biological activities [22] . As the struc-
tural components of many DNA - binding proteins, they play an important role in gene
transcription, cell growth, and proliferation. Larger coiled coil assemblies provide molecu-
lar scaffolds and networks for the cytoskeleton as well as important structural components
of so - called “ motor proteins ” [23] . Such naturally occurring coiled coils are usually com-
posed of two to fi ve monomeric α - helices whose primary structure is characterized by a
repetitive alignment of seven amino acids ( abcdefg )
called a “ heptad repeat ” . Positions
a and d are mostly hydrophobic and harbor leucine, valine, and in some cases isoleucine
and methionine. In the folded state, these positions point to one side of the helix, whereas
the predominantly hydrophilic positions b , c , and f point to the other side. This spatial
separation of hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues imparts signifi cant amphiphilicity to
the molecule. Due to segregation of hydrophobic surface area from the aqueous solvent,
the helices usually fold into left - handed superhelical oligomers that bury the hydrophobic
residues within the so - called “ hydrophobic core ” (Figure 15.1 ). In dimeric coiled coils,