Of course, similarity solutions can always be written down by inspection by
people clever enough to spot them. The point about (6.51)-(6.53) is that it pro-
vides a relatively systematic procedure for finding the similarity solutions once
g and h are available. This method is far from trivial, as will be illustrated on
the following pages, and many computer packages are currently available for au-
tomating the procedure and some of its generalisations. Such generalisations will
not be considered here except to remark that we could consider firstly `extended'
transformations in which the functions g and h depend upon the dependent vari-
able and its derivatives as well as the independent variables, or, secondly, multi-
parameter transformations in which g = 9(x, AI , A2) and (6.47) is replaced by, say,
a9/aA1 = F(11(9) and 09/0A2 = P2)(9).
Concerning terminology, the requirements (6.47) and (6.51)-(6.53), together
with the existence of inverses, are conditions for g in (6.47) or (g, h) in (6.51)-
(6.53) to form what is called a Lie group or continuous group of transformations.
The trivial manipulations necessary to show that (6.47) is equivalent to the crucial
group-closure condition, namely that, for all A and A, g(g(x; A); µ) = g(x; v) for
some v = v(A, p), are given in Exercise 6.20.
With these thoughts in mind, we are now in a position to describe a more sys-
tematic way of finding similarity solutions of the heat equation than that described
at the beginning of this section. Suppose we consider a general continuous group
of transformations of the independent variables
x' = f (x, t; A),
t' = g(x, t; A),
where the group parameter is such that A = 0 is the identity, so that x =_ f (x, t; 0)
and t = g(x, t; 0), and the closure operation is addition, which can be achieved
without loss of generality as in (6.51)-(6.53). Thus, for small A,
x'=x+AU+ t'=t+AV+
where the components U and V of the infinitesimal generator U = U a/ax+V a/at
are just functions of x and t. This means that, for small A, the chain rules for
changing the variables are, to 0(A),
8t -
+ A 8t)
+ A 8t ax''
a ' (1
- A
at) at at ax
a_ aV a aU) a
aV 0
aU) a
ax =
ax at,
1 + A
ax' - -A
x at
1 - A
ax l ax'
We can now enforce the crucial invariance property by selecting U and V, and
hence the group, by the condition that the heat conduction equation be left in-
variant under the transformation. Using the chain rule as above, the heat equation
with x' and t' as independent variables is