19 Chemistry’s View of the Material World: Basic Principles
How does this apply to chemical changes? When a substantial amount of
energy is released from a system, it goes to the surroundings (universe) and
increases the entropy of the surroundings, and hence the overall entropy, i.e., the
sum of the entropy of the system and that of the surroundings usually increases.
This is usually so even if the entropy of the system decreases, because the entropy
increase in the surrounding is large enough to compensate the decrease in the
system entropy. However, when the system’s energy change is positive (i.e.,
energy comes into the system, rather than is released), the entropy of the sur-
roundings has to decrease. So unless the entropy of the system itself increases to
such an extent to overcome the decrease in the surroundings’ entropy, such a
change would not occur, because the overall entropy decreases in this case. This
implies, however, that when the entropy increase in the system is large enough, a
change could occur even if the change is accompanied by an increase in the
enthalpy of the system; i.e., the system can go uphill, provided that the overall
entropy change is positive. This is another expression of the second law of
To combine the effects of energy (enthalpy) and entropy, a Yale physical chem-
ist, Henry Gibbs, introduced the concept of “free energy” (now called “Gibbs free
energy”). It is a sort of available energy of a system to its surroundings; that is
why it is called “free.” The second law of thermodynamics can now be stated in
terms of free energy as: “a change of a system can occur if its associated free
energy change is negative.” The free energy value is usually heavily dependent on
Let’s take an example. Iron ore usually comes in the form of iron oxide Fe
. To
produce iron metal from it you have to remove oxygen from it (reduction reaction
in technical terms). This is commonly accomplished by using coke (coal, i.e.,
carbon). The reaction can be expressed as
. The free energy
change of this process at room temperature is positive (+328 kJ at 25°C); i.e., it
would not occur at room temperature. But if you raise the temperature above 672°C,
the free energy change of the same process becomes negative (e.g., −45 kJ at 700°C);
hence the reaction becomes possible. That is why the iron-producing furnace has to
be operated at such a high temperature.
Another interesting application of the free energy change of chemical reaction is
“battery.” The free energy change (negative for the system) that is available from a
chemical reaction can be turned into an electric energy, which lights a light bulb or
operates a radio. For example, the car battery is taking energy from the chemical
2 24 4 2
PbO Pb 2H SO 2PbSO 2H O++ ® +
, where Pb stands for “lead,”
lead dioxide, PbSO
lead sulfate, and H
sulfuric acid. The last mentioned
is that corrosive acid, which is consumed as you use (discharge) the battery. The
free energy change for the above reaction is −415 kJ, and you are converting this
chemical free energy to an electric energy. The amount of this free energy change
should give rise to about 2 V. So by combining six of such components in series you
will get about 12 V, and that is the car battery.
We discussed this topic, because this is the crux of chemistry; that is, why a
phase change or chemical reaction can take place or in what direction it will go.
In order to apply this concept fully, we have to go into the energy values and their