19 Chemistry’s View of the Material World: Basic Principles
a set of these three numbers as an “orbital,” though the picture of an electron going
around in an orbit is not quite valid. The electron is simply distributed about the
nucleus, as described by the so-called wave function that is a solution of the equation
when we ignore the time-dependence part of the “Schrödinger equation.” That is,
this picture, the distribution of an electron, is a sort of time-averaged one, and in real-
ity the electrons are moving rapidly indeed, though not necessarily in the orbital
motion, as described by the Bohr model.
Scientists devised a name for the orbital (atomic orbitals) for each set of (n, l, m
as nx
orbital. “n” is simply the same as the first (called principal) quantum number,
x is “s” for l = 0, “p” for l = 1, “d” for l = 2, “f ” for l = 3, “g” for l = 4, etc., and y = m
So there will be 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s (and so on) orbitals; 2p, 3p, 4p, etc., orbitals (p starts
with n = 2); 3d, 4d, 5d, etc. (you guessed right!, d starts with n = 3); and 4f, 5f, etc.
There is only one kind of s-orbitals, but there are three different p-orbitals with
different m
values: +1, 0, −1 in the case of p-orbitals. You can write them out as p
and p
. As you guess, there will be five d-orbitals: d
, d
, d
, d
, d
[how many
for f-orbitals?]. The atomic orbitals do not look like orbits as in Bohr model or the
planetary motion. Instead, atomic orbitals are fuzzy blobs of electron clouds; some
of them are depicted in Fig. 19.3 (right-hand side).
One more thing needs to be said before we talk about the atoms. That is, an
electron is not only electrically charged, but also turns out to be a tiny magnet. This
magnet behaves strangely, as any small particle in the quantum world does. It can
take only two directions, that is, one pole being directed either up or down. In quan-
tum theoretical terms, an electron is said to have a spin whose quantum number is
s = 1/2, and can take either m
= +1/2 (up) or −1/2 (down).
Now let us summarize what we have said so far. An electron around a nucleus
behaves in the manner characterized by the atomic orbitals specified by the quan-
tum number set and whose energies take discrete values. The energy depends on
both “n,” the principal quantum number, and the nuclear positive charge value Z in
the manner that the energy is proportional to (Z/n)
, if you want to know. An elec-
tron’s behavior can be specified by a set of four quantum numbers, n, l, m
, and m
Pauli, an Italian physicist, asserted (and this is now known as “Pauli’s exclusion
principle”) that no two electrons (in atoms or molecules) can take exactly the same
quantum number set. Or we may say that if two electrons occupy the same space
(orbital) they must have different spins. This suggests that an orbital (n, l, m
) can
accommodate up to two electrons (but no more); i.e., an electron with m
= +1/2 and
another with m
= −1/2. This is the basis for building up atom(s). What we do essen-
tially is to put electrons into the orbitals available around the nucleus. Since we are
interested in the most stable such atom, i.e., of the lowest energy (technically called
“ground state”), we place electrons, starting with an orbital of the lowest energy, up
to two electrons in it, and then going up to orbitals of the next lowest energies.
In the atoms of the first 20 elements, the order of energy of different atomic orbitals
is known to be: 1s < 2s < 2p’s <3s <3p’s < 4s.
Let’s start with the simplest: hydrogen atom, which has one electron. This elec-
tron would occupy the 1s orbital; we say that the electron configuration of hydro-
gen atom is 1s
, meaning one electron in 1s orbital. This electron can occupy other