—Applied mathematics and statistics;
—Computer architecture and programming;
—Electronics and instrument design.
(b) General components:
—Basic anatomy and physiology;
—Common disease processes;
—Data and image processing;
—Experimental design, including simulation and modelling.
(c) Specific nuclear medicine components:
Radiation safety — safety procedures, regulations, radiation surveys,
shielding and exposure calculations, internal dose estimation, decontami
nation procedures, risks of radiation, waste disposal, limits of intake and
specific procedures for use of unsealed sources;
—Radiation biology — mechanisms of tissue damage and interaction of
radiation with tissue;
—Types of radiation and interaction of radiation with matter — alpha, beta
and gamma radiation, attenuation, scattering and shielding;
—Detection of radiation — types of detector, principles of design and
performance characteristics;
—General principles of tracer studies — radionuclide production, radio-
pharmaceutical design and mechanism of uptake, counting statistics, tracer
dilution theory and in vitro techniques;
—Imaging instrumentation — gamma camera design, collimators, photo-
multiplier tubes, pulse height analysis, correction circuitry, performance
characteristics, acceptance testing and quality control;
—Computers in nuclear medicine — camera–computer interface, display
and processing features, system architecture, networking, file formats, data
transfer and the Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS);
—Computer processing — specific numerical approaches to nuclear
medicine data, including filtering, convolution and deconvolution, factor
analysis, curve fitting, compartmental analysis and Monte Carlo
—Emission tomography — SPECT data acquisition, reconstruction,
acceptance testing and quality control, sources of artefact and correction,
quantification and basic principles of PET;