Abel-Dayem, H.M. Nuclear Medicine Section, Department of Radiology,
New York Medical College at St. Vincent’s Hospital and
Medical Center,
153 West 11th Street,
New York, NY 10011, United States of America
Amaral, H. Department of Nuclear Medicine, Clinica Alemana,
Av. Vitacura 5951, Santiago 6681920, Chile
Bahk, Y.W. Department of Nuclear Medicine,
Catholic University of Korea,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Britton, K. Department of Nuclear Medicine,
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital,
51–53 Bartholomew’s Close, West Smithfield,
London EC1A 7BE, United Kingdom
Collins, L. Department of Medical Physics, Westmead Hospital,
Hawkesbury Road,
Westmead NSW 2145, Australia
Divgi, C. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
1275 York Avenue,
New York, NY 10021, United States of America
Fernández, O. Department of Tropical Medicine, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz,
4365 Manuinhos, CEP 21045-700,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gopinathan Nair, P.G. Flat 001, Kanchanjunga Apartments,
122/2 Nagavarapalya,
C.V. Raman Nagar, Bangalore 560093,
Karnataka, India
Hutton, B. Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Middlesex Hospital,
University College London Hospitals,
Mortimer Street, London W1T 3AA, United Kingdom
Jia, He Tian Nuclear Medicine Department,
China PLA General Hospital,
28 Fu Xing Road, Beijing 100853, China